Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Do I like her too?

Phineas stood there shocked "Y-you, li- I mean, you want to... You... HUH?!" Isabelle sighed.
"I'm sorry, it wasn't supposed to come out like that, it was just, something happened and I couldn't stop myself."
"But was it true?" He waited for an answer but she only stood there in silence.

"Uh, y'know perry the platypus, I think we should just send them home, let them sort it out. I mean, it works... So..."

There was a flash of green light and they were back in the Flynn-Fletcher yard.
"Oh, there you are Phineas! Where were you?" He didn't reply. He could only stare at the girl in front of him, waiting for a response.
"Y-yes." She squeaked.
"I said yes! Yes it's true..."
Everyone aside from Phineas and Isabella watch, confused and curious to what might be going on.
"Wow..." Phineas breathed "I-I don't know what to say... I'm speechless!"
"Well, now you know... Just, don't..." She sighed "never mind, I understand if you don't back and... I have to go anyway." With that she sprinted off.
"What was that about?" Beuford asked somehow pulling a sandwich from thin air. Still Phineas didn't reply. He just stared at the gate. The gate Isabella walked through so many times just to see what he was doing.
"I-Isabella... Likes me?"
"Oooooh," everyone said in realisation.
"Does she like me? Well, she just said she does but... Wh-what? Do I... Do I like her back? I mean I never really thought about it before what- I-" Phineas suddenly burst into a scream and ran around the backyard flailing his arms about.
"Boys I just made some pie-" Linda walked out to the interesting site "is he okay?"
"Yes..." Baljeet answered "just some... 'Emotional issues'"
"Well, alright, there's pie on the table if you want some."
"Yes! Food!" Beauford laughed before picking up Baljeet and heading inside. Ferb shrugged and grabbed his brother and pulled him inside too.
All Phineas could think was 'Do I like her too?'

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