Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Ferb has a plan

Everyone sat at the table eating their pie. Phineas stared into space thinking about what Isabella had said "I have a huge crush on you Phineas!" He just sat there, the scene replaying in head, over and over again. He had noticed lately his heart beating faster any time she was close to him. Maybe he did like her as well?
"Ferb," Phineas whispered to his brother. He looked over to him signalling him to continue "I... I think I might like Isabella back." Ferb smiled before nodding. Phineas smiled back "thanks Ferb, you're the best!" And with that Phineas took off across the road.
"Where'd he go?" Linda asked, cleaning up the dishes.
Ferb just stared at her. No one knew exactly what he was thinking at that moment, well no one meaning everyone but Ferb of course, and he was coming up with a plan.

Phineas knocked on Isabella's bedroom door.
"I don't want dinner mom!" She called, snivelling. Phineas opened the door and smiled at her.
"I-It's just me."
"Oh." She looked to the ground and patted the bed beside her.
"So, uh, how are you?" He asked sitting down on the bed.
"That's good to know, actually." Phineas said with a sigh of relief.
"I guess..." Isabella fixed her eyes firmly on her hands, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with the boy next to her.
"I was really worried when you ran off before."
"Not mad?" She said, looking away from her hands. Phineas simply laughed.
"No, of course not. Surprised, yeah, but not mad!"

<" mean while... ">
Ferb stood up silently and walked outside, collecting a flower from his mother's vase on the way out. Everyone watched him, slightly confused to what he might be doing. He had set up a small table under their tree and hung fairy lights from the branches, spreading a blanket over his table and collecting two stools as well.
"Well, I suppose he's building a robotic dinosaur then," Linda said to her daughter, collecting the empty plates from the table. Everyone still stared at the green haired boy through the window still curious to what he may be doing. Ferb, however, took no notice of them and continued to set things up. No one knew but this was going to lead to something they had all been waiting for.

A/N: hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating in forever but the chapter is finally here! And hopefull the next one won't be too far away! Hope you all enjoyed. Please vote, comment and follow! Bye for now!

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