chapter 61

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Larissa's p.o.v
"We have to get out if here"good Liam said.

"I know but how they stripped our powers"Nadia said"and took the power Crystal"

"Power Crystal?"I asked.

"Yea stole it from Elizabeth"why does she have a cry-"

"You idiot"I yelled making Nadia jump.

"What?"she asked.

"That Crystal had lukes heart in it"I said getting angry.

"Yea I know so what?"she shrugged.

"It was made from his heart"I yelled.

"Ok once again and?"Nadia said in a "I really don't care "tone."that was our only way in fixing our future"

I groaned "no it's not the only way to fix our future is to ask the elders not Luke he's just an Angel that's going to die if someone uses that Crystal"I snapped.

"Oh"Nadia mumbled

"Yea fucking oh, do you ever do anything right ?"I growled.

"Apparently not since I decided to be friends with you"she spat back.

"What are you trying to say?"I said tilting my head and walking over to her.

"I'm saying you have been nothing but a nightmare since you came here!"I scoffed.

"Are you seriously going to do this Harry and Tuesday moved on why can't you?"

"Why would I move on when you dated my boyfriend!!"she yelled.

"That doesn't count Dumbass I knew him before you"

"Yes it does !! Do you know how bad it feels to know you had something your best friend used"

"Well you wear my Clothes so.."I shrugged.

"Well you can have your used and fat ass clothes back"she smirked.

"Oh good I can get all my bras that you had to stuff back"I smiled as she growled and shoved me against the wall.

"You bitch"she yelled throwing a punch at me.

Good Liam's p.o.v
"Should we let them fight or?"evil me said.

"I honestly don't know,if we don't it could be much worse,if we do it still won't help any"I shrugged.

"Well fine but if it gets to much I'm stopping it."evil me said I nodded in agreement.

"What are they even fighting for?"I asked,evil me shrugged.

"Probably jealousy"he suggested.

"I'm not jealous"the girls said in unison.

Evil Louis's p.o.v
"Reasons why I work alone"I said looking at the camp me and Cameron was at.I huffed and dusted off my clothes."ah the woods"I sarcastically said as I started walking. It was dark for a while before I came to some light."Well would ya look at this"I smiled as I came to the safe house everyone is hiding at.I ran over to the door and opened it."no lock doors ?"I laughed and walked into the living room."Oh what's this?" I asked as I walked over to table with bottles on it.

"Something for you not to touch"a purple haired zayn said.

"Oops"I smirked as I touched the bottles"nice hair zayn,but where's zayn number 1?"I smirked as I flipped someone over my shoulder sending them crashing into the coffee table"found you"I chuckled as I fixed my clothes."I'm not here to fight mates I only want what's mine"I snapped and Jamie came running over over.

"I knew it!"good zayn said.

"Jamie be a dear and follow me"I said as I walked over to the table exploring it.

"Get away from that!!"one of the zayns said. I sighed.

"I don't have time for you all "I said waving my hand and making them disappear. "Lets go Jamie"I said as I walked to the door but I stopped when I stepped on something.I smirked as I picked up the book under my foot"I think I found a new way to kill.

"How?"Jamie asked me.

"Ever heard of the scarecrow?"she nodded.

"Isn't he the man who makes people's fears real from bat man?" I smiled.

"Tell me Jamie ,what are you afraid of?"I said as black smoke started to appear.

The Day Everything Changed For Good*COMPLETED* *IN EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now