Chapter 9

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Hannah's p.o.v

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEIR GONE WHAT THE FUCK NIALL DONT YOU EVER LISTEN!!!!" I yelled at him my plate of food went flying towards him


"don't Hannah me, Louis, I said I wanted everyone here when I have these damn kids that mean Larissa and harry here to.for all we know they could be all the way in the 1800s time zone!!" Louis laughed

"Hannah now your overthinking right Niall, "Louis said looking at Niall

"well actually" Niall started I yelled in frustration

"just find them ok my time is coming soon"everyone nodded and left

Larissa's p.o.v

I groaned and stood up Harry followed"where are we?"I asked Harry looked around and frowned

" Oklahoma," he said. dusting his pants off I turned around and looked at the big sign. and sighed

"How did we get here?"Harry huffed

"do you ever listen Niall was sick and somehow we became one of his things he is sending back in time" my jaw dropped

"asshole ughh ok it's fine. I can get us out of this" I grabbed his hand and thought of home I waited a couple of seconds nothing "why isn't my power working"Harry shrugs"try yours" he smirks and takes off running with a rock in the air"just great you keep yours but mines are gone"I rolled my eyes as Harry came back

"come on let's find a town," Harry said picking me up

"Harry I can walk I'm fine" he just ignored me

"Ohh no you not and I just wanna show off my powers" I hit his chest he just chuckled before we took off I stopped him

"Harry we're in 1856" his eyes widen as we took in the sign.

Zayn's p.o.v

"ok now Niall let's take a look in your mind ok," I said running an IV in his arm. Niall nodded I entered some stuff in the computer

"what are you doing?" he asked me I turned to him and fixed my glasses

"well, Niall I'm linking all the times you sneezed and touched objects that disappeared and seeing where they all went therefore we can get a reading on where Larissa and Harry are, " he nodded I smiled as I turned back around and finish what I started.

Liam's p.o.v

I was pacing back and forth upstairs as the rest was down in the lab

"Liam just relax I know your upset and I am too but zayn knows what he's doing, "Nadia said placing a hand on my shoulder I sighed and sat down

"what if she's out there hurting and she can't call for help"Nadia sighed and sat down beside me

"Harrys with her he won't let anything happen to her ok" I nodded and sighed

"I hope you are right" she smiled

harry's p.o.v

Larissa and I were walking for what it felt like ages. I had to put Larissa down because I wasn't feeling well

"harry look a town" I smiled as Larissa tried to run

"slow down Larissa it will be there when you get there" we made it in the little down it looked modern-day like our world was twisted with this world Larissa looked at me but I just shrugged and walked into a dinner

"hi welcome to the underground what can I get you?" A lady that favored Hannah a lot said

"han-" I stopped Larissa

"can we get two hamburgers to please"the lady nodded and went in the back I took Larissa to a seat

"harry she looks just like Hannah!" she whispered yelled

"yes I know whatever world we're in niall has it set up like our world and this world mix together I dont know anything about 1856 which means anything is possible so we have to try not to get ourself killed" she nodded

"here you go sir" the Hannah look-alike winked at me I shudder as she walked away Larissa smirked at me

"don't"I warned her sending her a glare she shrugged and giggled to herself after we finished our food actually Larissa finishing my food for me my stomachs been acting up

"excuse me ms where is the nearest hotel, "Larissa asked the lady from earlier

"well it's two towns from here but if you take that bus out there you. will be there faster" we nodded and walked to the long line that was waiting on the bus. I groaned as my stomach growled. a sharp pain in my stomach as I come to realize what the problem was.

Larissa's p.o.v

I don't know if it was me or what but harry was looking pale like almost sick"harry are you ok?" I asked as we finally made it on the bus he slowly nodded and managed to flash me his pearly whites I nodded all the seats on the bus was filled up except one harry went to sit and motioned me to sit on his lap I nodded and sat down he laid his head on my back

"awee you guys are together?" I old lady said next to us. I laughed

"no mam just my brother in law" she nodded

"ohh really I'm sorry ohh is he ok he doesn't look too good" she pointed at harry I turned around harry keep his head down his long hair covering it his head just plops down on my chest I tried lifting his face but harry just keep it hung low

"ehh I don't know?"

"he probably has a stomach bug it's been going around here get him to a doctor that stomach bug can cause up to death" I gasp. harry chuckled in my ear

"whats funny harry you could be dying" he continued to chuckle he lent closer to me

"Larissa I'm not sick, I'm hungry" I groaned

"Harry why did you give me your food then" he lightly laughed and slowly turned to me around his eyes showed green and red I gasp

"no Larissa I'm hungry, hungry"


The Day Everything Changed For Good*COMPLETED* *IN EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now