Chapter 23

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Liam's p.o.v

"Hey, have you seen Larissa?" I asked Taylor he shooked his head I groaned where could she have gone I walked over to luke"hey have you seen Larissa?" he turned around and looked down at me

"and I should tell you because ?" I frowned and grabbed his shirt

"because if you don't i'll rip all them pretty little blonde hairs outta your head and shove them down your throat now tell me where is she" he just smirks

"never," he said in a sing-song voice I growled and shoved him down" beside it wasn't like you paid any attention to her you were to busy fucking Cameron next time try not to be so loud" I rolled my eyes and walked off I passed by Cameron

"Hey babe what's wrong?" I just stayed quiet and grabbed my keys my mom and dad were in the living room

"mom have you seen Larissa" she nodded

"oh she said she had to go back home"I frowned and sucked in a breath

"mhmm be back," I said lowly

Larissa's p.o.v

"I keep going to the river to pray"I sang along to ghost by Ella Henderson"cause I need something that could wash all the pain " as I walk through the local store oh if you're wondering what happened after luke stopped me at the front door I went home. It wasn't like the person who brought me was gonna notice I was walking around taking a look at the movie collection when I stepped back only to end up stepping on someone's shoe" I am so sorry" I turned around to be met with a tall brown-eyed man wearing a suit and tie

"it's fine beautiful what's your name?"

"Larissa and you?" I blushed as he reached down and kissed my hand

"James" I smiled

"nice to meet you James" he nodded

"Nice to met you two," he said smiling at my belly I chuckled"may I?" he said pointing at my belly I nodded as he rubbed it his hand jumped back

"you have a future soccer player in there" we laughed after a few seconds of silence. James spoke up

"hey I was wondering if you needed a job after your all well"my eyes lit up

"yea what exactly do you do?" he smiled

"well how about you let me take you out for dinner tonight and i'll tell you smirked

"and how you know I don't have someone taking me out tonight" he grinned

"that someone would be right here telling me to fuck off" I nodded he did have a point

"alright i'll go" he smiled he gave me his card and we went our separate ways. I found myself at Hannahs house I rang her doorbell and she answered

"ahhh my lovely best friend how are you?" I raised my eyebrow

"Ummm pretty good" she nodded letting me through the door I came and sat on the couch

"soo how's life?" I sighed

"I don't know Hannah you tell me being prego and your relationship is going downhill for the third time life is being pretty shitty to me right now" she smiled

"that's good" I scoffed

"umm anyway, I wanted to come over. Here and tell you that I was going on a date but it's only for a job and i'm not sleeping with him its just a harmless date plus I can't do anything anyway" I laughed Hannah shooked her head"where are the twins"

"with a babysitter" I tilted my head to the side

"a babysitter Hannah I don't think that was smart I mean I thought you always bring them to Ella or Lou's mom" she shrugged

"well, Larissa I want a normal life. And two Ella needs a break I mean aren't her problem" I nodded something isn't right

"well um i'm going to get going I have a date to get ready for" she nodded and waved as I went out the door

"weird" I mumble to myself"Hannahs never that cheerful" I shivered"it's like she's hiding something"

Edwards p.o.v

"sir styles the Mrs. Wanted to know when your coming to bed" on of my servants told me I nodded

"soon cole soon right now leave me be i'm working. On something, important"cole bowed and left I sighed

"sir you do know this is very dangerous bring good and evil. Into the same world," I nodded

"I don't care now flip the switch I wanna my bestie here now," I said smirking my servant nodded and did what he was told my eyes lit up as the machine came to life. A smile crept on to my face as my favorite person in the world popped in

"hello Elizabeth"


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