Catching The Murders!

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37 AN: I hope you like that I'm having this kind of chapters. It's fun to write. Continue & enjoy:

Emily's P.O.V.

I didn't get my hair cut anyway. All the gladers were protesting and literally having a debate and telling me how I couldn't cut it. Because if I cut my 'beautiful' hair, the glade would loose some of the gladeness... Don't ask me...

Also, Thomas learned to never call me the S-word. He unfortunately learned the hard way.

Chuck got an idea to a game we gladers could play. It would be really fun! Also, the runners got a day off from running. So Minho, my boyfriend (ugh, I will never get tired of that.) would come and play his game.

"Okay, we have gathered you all today, because Chuck has an idea for a game we could all play." I said loud enough for Alby, Newt, Clint, Jeff, Thomas, Minho, Frypan, Zart and Chuck to hear. I then stood beside Minho and both of us smiling. He kissed my forehead, making my smile widen.

"The game is called catching the murders!" Chuck said loud enough for us all to hear. I looked at him confused and then saw Minho looking at me confused. Why you looking at me for, shuck-face? Look at Chuck, he's the brain behind it!

"Care to explain?" I asked.

"It's simple." He started. "We will be split in two teams. The one team are the cops and the other are the murders." He smiled stupid. "The murders has to run and hide from the cops, and try to get over the board." He pointed at the pile of sticks on the other side of the glade. "While the cops has to try to catch the murders and not letting them over the board. If they get over it, then they can't be caught and are free-running-criminal who got away with murder. So that's how some of the murders can win." We all nodded, beginning to understand his weird game. "BUT! If the murders don't get over and gets caught by the cops, and thrown into jail. Then you're convicted for murder and have lost." Okay, now I get the game. Cops chases murders - try to get over the pile of sticks - and murders win.

"So should we split the teams in girl and boys?" Thomas asked looking at me and smiled teasingly at me, and the others just laughed.

"But won't you get all lonely being the only one?" I asked and made all the boys laugh harder. I got an high-five from Frypan, and looked at my brother who just rolled his eyes.

"I have already chosen the teams." Chuck said and the laughter died.

"Minho, Thomas, Alby, Clint and I are the cops." Thomas and Minho then high-fived. "While Emily, Zart, Frypan, Jeff and Newt are the murders." Frypan and I high-fived.

"We're getting away with murders, boys!" I yelled at  my team. "We will kill and get away with it! Who's with me!?" Then my team hollered, and we all just bursted out laughing. "You're getting fired from your jobs as cops." I said looking at our enemy.

"You wish, shank!" Minho said. "You will get a life conviction!"

"Okay, so the murders starts in the woods, and gets a 30 seconds head-start." Chuck explained as we were standing by the forest. "Okay. We start... NOW!" The team and I didn't waste any seconds, and we just ran as fast as possible into the woods.

It had gone like 3 minutes already. And I was hiding behind a bush. Suddenly, someone placed their hand over my mouth making my screams muffed. I relaxed when I saw it was only Newt.

"Have you seen them?" Newt whispered. I shook my head. We just sat there, waiting, until Alby came and made our breath hitch in our throats. He was walking around, trying to find us. But Newt and I was quiet as ever! None of us weren't breathing (something that I mean is not healthy and smart thing to do) so we wouldn't be spotted that easily. Finally he gave up and walked another way. Both Newt and I breathed in relief and started to  breath again.

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