I'm sorry

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I thought I was helping. In a way I was, yet I wasn't. I think I helped you. By letting you tell me what you've never told anyone else. By being there when you need it most. I think I've helped you by understanding what you feel. Although I helped, I know I made things worse. I'm sorry that I caused this. Please let them know I only wanted to be useful. I was completely trying to do what was right, yet I made a mistake. I love you, and I always will. I love you, and Im sorry. I beg of you please don't hate me, please don't blame me. Although if you must blame someone, do not blame yourself. I would rather be hated and blamed, than have you become the victim. I apologize if I didn't help, I apologize if I made it worse, and I apologize if I confused you even more. I love you, please remember that always.

Random sentences.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora