Chapter 1: How it all began

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May Parker was shopping for groceries when two strange beings with guns busted into the stores.
"Alright everyone give us all your money" said the Rhino like person
"Yeah or esle" said the Warthog like person.

Meanwhile Peter Parker just got out of the restroom and was surprised to see...
"The Rhino... no he never uses guns... and he has NEVER had a warthog as a partner... however I feel like I've seen them before" Peter said as he ran back into the restroom to change into the Amazing Spider-Man.

"Not so fast gun for brains" yelled the voice of Leonardo, the leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
"Oh look, it's turtle thrashing time" Rocksteady said swing his arms to ready himself for a fight hitting an elderly woman.

'Oh no, Aunt May!' thought Spider-Man as he saw Rocksteady wack Aunt May across the store. Spider-Man caught Aunt May and set her down gently.
'I won't let them get away with this' Spider-Man thought as he gazed at his unconscious aunt before jumping atop of Rocksteady's back.

"You sir have to be more careful while swinging your arms around" Spider-Man yelled slamming both his fist on the back of Rocksteady's head. Rocksteady fell down hard.
"Whoa who is that" Michelangelo asked.
"I don't know but he seems red with rage... I like it" Raphel replied.

Teenage news intern April O'Neil was recording everything on camera.
"Whoa, Spider-Man is here... I wonder if Mikey has already recognized the costume" April said to herself. (Yes, April already met the turtles in his universe before this story took place and yes April is a teen in this universe)
April then noticed an old lady on the floor.
"Oh no... that's the lady that Rocksteady hit... I should take her to the hospital" April told herself.
"No need, allow me to tend to the lady" said a familiar voice. April turned and was surprised to see
"Master Splinter"
"I came to find out what Shredder was up to... but it seems like the woman will take priority" Splinter said.
"But how will she react with a giant rat" April asked.
"I sense she is related to that Spider warrior... even if she does not yet know it... hopefully she will be fine after I explain the situation" Splinter replied. April only nodded.

Spider-Man webbed Rocksteady to the ground only to be cut out by
"Shredder" yelled Leo.
"So Led head... you in charge of this circus" asked Spider-Man sarcastically.
"Wait a minutes... guys that's Spider-Man" Mikey said gasping as if he didn't notice Shredder's presence. Shredder merely growled at Spider-Man's insult.
"Yes so what of it" Shredder asked. Spider-Man clenched his fist.
"Lets get this shred head" yelled Raph as the turtles charged Shredder. Shredder grabbed Bebop's gun, but it was yanked away by Spider-Man.
"No cheated Iron knock off" Spider-Man quipped.
"In that case" Shredder said as he dodged Leo's swords, Raph's sais, Mikey's nunchucks, and Don's staff at the same time, disarming them in one swipe.
"Well that normally doesn't happen" Mikey said in shock before almost being punched by the Shredder... who himself was attack by Spider-Man.
"Crawler assault"
Spider-Man's swift attacks were beyond anything Shredder had known in terms of speed... but he had surprised Spider-Man when he actually managed to block some of the blows of the Crawler assault.
"Very good for a common street fighter" Shredder commented, side kicking Spider-Man toward the turtles. The turtles regrabbed their weapon as Spider-Man landed on his feet next to Leo and Mikey.
"Let's rush him together" Leo suggested.
"I'm all for that" Spider-Man agreed. The turtles and Spider-Man leap in the air kicking Shredder making him fly out the store.
"Oh how the mighty had fallen... reduced to holding up grocery stores even though they have a giant fortress in the middle of earth" Raph joked about Shredder.
"We will finish this later" Shredder said running into a transport module with Bebop and Rocksteady running with him. The turtles was about to chase them when April ran to them.
"Hey wait guys, Master Splinter took the woman Rocksteady hurt to the lair so she can recover" April said. Spider-Man looked to Leonardo.
"I need to know where this lair is at so I can protect the lady" Spider-Man said. Leo nodded.
"She's family right" Leo guessed. Spider-Man saw that there was no use lying to Leo and the turtles.
"How did you know" Spider-Man asked.
"Well, we would act the same way if one of us got hurt... the other 3 turtles and I are brothers" Leo explained.
'Figures they would be able to guess a family bond between me and Aunt May easier than others' Spider-Man thought.
"Well let's go Spider-Man" Mikey said as they ran out the store looking for a sewer hole.

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