Chapter 3: Doc Ock and Shredder

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Peter was visiting the turtles again. He was sitting in between April and Mikey, Spidey coustume on (except the mask) eating pizza.
"Yo Peter, why do you have the coustume on here" Raph asked.
"In case some super villan decides to start destroying things as usual" Peter answered finishing his slice of pizza.
"You mean like that" asked April as she pointed at the tv. The news showed up, showing footage of Doc Ock throwing stuff... then a transport module came out of the ground. Out came Shredder along with Bebop and Rocksteady.
"Oh man it's Shredder" Leo said.
"Doctor Octopus..." Peter said.
"The guy with six arms" asked Mikey.
"Yeah, the guy was once Otto Octavius, a scientific genius... but then he sorta went crazy and evil" Peter explained.
"If Doc Ock is or is not with Shredder... he will still be a problem... lets go guys" Leo said.

Spider-Man and the Ninja Turtles emerged from the sewers with April following close behind.
"With my internship, I should be allowed to run the story" April told herself. Spider-Man quickly and discretly put cameras around him to make sure he was able to get his paycheck from J Jonah Jameson.

"We should hurry, before Iron Man comes to take back his tech" Shredder told Bebop and Rocksteady.
"I think we have other problems Shredder" Doc Ock told his partner as he pointed at Spider-Man and the Ninja Turtles headed their way.
"It's the Turtles again" Shredder groaned.
"Spider-Man... always standing in my way" Ock also groaned.

"It's turtle bashing time" Rocksteady said.
"And time to squash a spider" Bebop added. The two charged shooting their guns at the 5 heroes. Spider-Man webbed the guns out of their hands.
"And I thought my Rhino enemy was dumb... but yours always seems to think the same old gun shots will hurt us" Spider-Man told the turtles.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and believing you'll get a different result" Donnie said.
"Let's just go and fight them nerd" Ralph teased Donnie.

The turtles got their weapons.
"Turtles fight with honor" Leo yelled as he jumped, kicking Bebop into Rocksteady. Spider-Man webbed them to prevent them from getting back up and the 5 went after the villans.

"Blast those two idiots... it seems we must do this ourselves" Shredder said.
"Spider-Man and his allies will not defeat us" Doc Ock said as he and Shredder charge to fight the heroes. Doc Ock tried to take Leo's katanas away from him only for Leo to flip away from his tentacles while Shredder fought with Donatello and Raphel. Spider-Man web swing kicked into Doc Ock's chest but Ock was not knocked down due to the strength of his tentacles.
"Hey Doctor Octopus... You mess with us and we will make you into calamari dude" Mikey said as he kicked Ock's side. Leo took advantage and cut off a tentacle and threw toward Spider-Man who web tossed it to Ralph who kicked it to Donnie who knocked it with his bo staff... making the tentacle hit Shredder in the face!

Spider-Man webbed the unbalanced Shredder and tossed him at Doc Ock, webbing them up. However Shredder sliced the webs and freed himself as a transport module came up.
"Doctor Octopus... we must flee" Shredder said as Ock's remaining tentacles set him and Shredder's mutants free.
"Yes.... let's go" Ock said as he joined the turtles' enemies in the transport module to the Technodrome.
"Well that was a bit easy" Spider-Man said.
"It was because our amazing teamwork... let's so back home" Leo said.
"This will be such a great story... I got some amazing footage" April said happily.
"That reminds me" Spider-Man said as he got his camera. Iron Man returned to see his tech safe and with remains of webbing left behind.

"JARVIS, please remind me to thank Spider-Man for protecting my tech later" Iron Man said.
"When we see him I will remind you" JARVIS said.

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