Chapter 4: New student at Midtown?!

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Midtown High School, a place Peter Parker both likes and hates with a passion. Why? He likes knowing that he could one day make a difference with his intelligence like Tony Stark... and on the negative side there's Flash Thompson. Flash Thompson is the school jock... able to get away with anything because he is the quarterback of Midtown's varsity football team.

"Class" Peter's English teacher said snapping him out of his thoughts.
"We have a new student here at Midtown High, she used to be from another school here in the city, but since she moved to this part of the city, Midtown was just closer to her new house, please show her some respect" Peter's English teacher said. Then April O'Niel walked in, pleasantly surprising Peter.
"Hi, my name is April O'Niel" April told the class as she noticed Peter in particular, quite happy to see him.
"Wow... she is hot" Peter heard Flash tell his friends who agreed with him.
"Ms. O'Niel please take the empty seat next to Mr. Parker" Peter's English teacher said.
"For your information Peter is already a good friend of mine that I met before I moved to this school and I do NOT appreciate you calling my friend a 'waste of space' thank you very much" April shot back at Flash. April then took her seat next to Peter.

"Hey April, surprised to see you here" Peter said as she sat down in her new desk.
"Yeah, is that guy always a jerk" April asked, pointing towards Flash.
"You don't even know the half of it" Peter replied.

Later at lunch...
"April, this are my friend Harry Osborn" Peter said as he sat in his normal spot on Harry's left.
"Nice to meet you Harry" April said as she sat on Peter's left.
"Likewise April" Harry said. Suddenly a ringing sound was heard in Peter's head.
"I gotta use the restroom, I'll be back" Peter said. An explosion was the heard in the cafeteria and Peter knew he had to hurry.

"People, people... you all know me as the Shredder.... and I need you all to tell me where I can find April O'Neil" Shredder announced. Then came in Doctor Octopus.
"I believe I found her Shredder" Doc Ock said as his tentacle was wrapping itself around April's waist, but before it could have a good grip on April, Spider-Man web swing kicked right into Ock's side.
"Now Ock, I know you can't get a date these days but jeez I didn't know you were so desperate as to bust into a high school to get one" Spider-Man said sarcastically.
"YOU AGAIN" yelled Ock in frustration.
Shredder charged at Spider-Man, striking with powerful punches and kicks, but Spider-Man was too fast for him. Doc Ock joined the fray, launching his metal arms at the web slinger, causing Spider-Man to remain on the defensive.

April ran to the restroom to get out her turtle com. She was relieved when Michelangelo answered his turtle com.
"Hey April, how's it going at Midtown... seeing as it's the same high school as Peter it must be pretty radical to just hang out" Mikey said.
"So far it's fine, but I need you and the others to get here, Shredder and Doctor Octopus is here and Spider-Man is facing them alone" April explained.
"Got it, I'll tell the others, see you in a bit April" Mikey said as he hung up.

Spider-Man webbed Doc Ock's arms together and tossed Ock to the wall... he knew that the webs would not hold Ock for long, but it was enough to make Shredder fight on the defensive. Shredder had a hard time blocking and dodgeing Spider-Man's quick barrage of punches and kicks. Suddenly Spider-Man spider sense was acting up and a gun shot was heard behind him, Spider-Man back flipped into to the air and jumped on the shooter, Rocksteady and jumped off his with enough force to knock Rocksteady over. More bullets flew as Spider-Man continued his airbourne journey to the other shooter Bebop.
'How is he dodging my bullets' Bebop thought as Spider-Man moved in the air, every bullet missing him. Spider-Man's feet slamed into Bebop's face, and as Spider-Man relaunched off of Bebop's face, he then landed and got into his signature low fighting stance.

Suddenly, metal arms grabbed Spider-Man's wrist.
"Looks like you forgot about me Spider-Man" Doc Ock said. Then an explosive shuriken hit Ock's back, making him let go of Spider-Man.
"And you forgot about us Ock, Shredder" said Leonardo.
"And besides... I could never forget you Doctor Squid, you have way too many arms to just forget" Spider-Man said.
"It's Doctor OCTOPUS" yelled Doc Ock. "Blast you Turtles... Foot soliders... attack" Shredder commanded as his reinforcements arrived. Suddenly the sound of a Repulsor ray was heard, making several Foot ninja fly into walls.
"I still need to pay you back for trying to steal my tech the other day" said the voice of Iron Man.
"Hey Shell Head" Spider-Man greeted. Tony smiled under his Iron Man helmet, Peter Parker was one of his youngest friends, but one of the smartest, and also... he had mad skills as Spider-Man.
"How you doing Web Head" Iron Man asked as if the villains weren't there.
"Pretty good" Spider-Man answered.

Rocksteady jumped trying to get Iron Man out of the air, but he was hit by Iron Man's metal fist knocking him back to the floor. Leonardo and Raphael were fighting off the Shredder, while Spider-Man took on Doc Ock and Donatello and Michaelangelo were fighting Bebop. More Foot soliders were coming in.

Spider-Man webbed several Foot soliders and tossed them into the walls, shooting more webs at them making them stuck to the wall so he could focus more on Doc Ock. Spider-Man dodged as his metallic arms flew at him. Spider-Man then web swing kicked Ock's mid section sending him flying towards the wall.

April watched as her heroic friends fought off the villains. The police were coming soon and the teachers were evacuating the school, but April did not plan on leaving. This was more than just a news story, this was Shredder threatening her life and those who entered it, it was personal. Iron Man had successfully disarmed Rocksteady and April ran towards Rocksteady's gun. April had managed to grab it and pointed it at Rocksteady.
"Stand down Rocksteady" April warned. Rocksteady glared at her and Iron Man.
"Make me girly" Rocksteady said as he charged at April only to be met with a flying Doc Ock, making him fly into the wall.
"Nice move web slinger" Iron Man complemented.
"Thanks" Spider-Man replied. April began opening fire on the Foot Soliders still coming in.

Michaelangelo and Donatello had Bebop on the ropes. Donnie had managed to knock Bebop's gun from his hand and Mikey didn't hesitate to bash him around with his quick attacks. Bebop soon regained his footing and tossed Mikey at Donnie. The two turtles quickly regained their footing as well, but before the fight could continue, pain was suddenly felt on his side. The cause was April O'Niel shooting Rocksteady's gun.
"Didn't see that coming" Bebop told himself. Bebop then went to retrive his own gun to return fire only for Mikey and Donnie to both hit him on the head with their weapons knocking him out.

"We must fall back" Shredder said. Doc Ock quickly grabbed Bebop with his metal tentacle and along with Shredder and Rocksteady left to go underground.. back to the Technodrome.

"Seriously... what happened here" asked a cop later as Peter and April sat back down with Harry.
"Class, considering the extensive damage done by the villains today, school is cancelled for the rest of the day" the principal announced. Well at least Peter had one thing to thank Doc Ock and Shredder for... no math class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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