The end?

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Gally had his chip removed with no problem. So did my brother. As Gally expected, they put off removing mine, claiming that they needed to make sure everything was in working order, despite having just used it. We were all pretty restless, so a friendly technician explained to us how Gally would be playing his role. They had developed a helmet to read Gally's brain waves and transfer them to (shudder) a corpse, witch would then wear a morph suit and have Gally's image projected on it. Or something like that. I didn't really pay attention to the part after they said corpse.

As it turned out, they were ready to remove my chip as soon as Gally had to wear the helmet thing. Of course, I was asleep for the whole thing. The next thing I knew, someone was shining lights in my eyes and snapping right next to my ears.

"Gally...?" I muttered as soon as I could move my mouth.

"He's fine, sweetheart." A female voice. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," I replied, blinking against the light.

"That's pretty normal. Should wear off soon."

I laid there for a while longer. I'm sure I dozed off a few times, considering the boys did as well. Also, I suddenly found Gally by my side as I finally fully came to.

"Morning, shank," he said, ruffling my hair. "Ready to ditch this place?"

"5 more minutes." I rolled over and he near audibly rolled his eyes.

"C'mon," he said, helping me to my feet. "You'll be wide awake by the time you're dressed."

He helped me to my room and waited outside as I got dressed. I strapped on my sword vest and we went downstairs with my brother. They gave us bags of supplies in case we needed them, despite Gally's insistence that we didn't. With several goodbyes and a few hugs, we were outside in the night. Gally grabbed my wrist and suddenly started running. My brother ran as well, as if it had been planned by both of them. Last thing I remember, there was a silent pop, like a softened gunshot, and a stinging warmth in my right shoulder, just to the side of my neck. Then black...


•Author's Note•
Sorry about the rushedness of this chapter. To those of you who actually read this, I need to know, do you think she should die, or should there be a sequel fan fiction? Let me know what you think, please. Either way, that's the end of this book. Thanks for sticking around.

•Author's Note 5 years later•
Sorry to say the sequel didn't happen. I have the draft sitting on Wattpad, but life is life, y'know? I never get time to keep writing it. That being said I just want to say thanks to everyone reading this. I'm honestly amazed every time I get a notification that someone voted for a chapter of this when I look back and just see what was my first attempt at writing something long and substantial. So yeah. Thank you.

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