Time... passes... again...

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I supposed Gally must have been pretty influential, seeing as I lived till the next Greenie. It was nice not being called that so much. Especially by Gally. He'd come to where anyone who even looked at either of us funny was suddenly a threat. Though, I didn't actually see him much the week the Greenie got here.

I had to help get the greenbean settled in, as well as helping out teaching. The few times I saw Gally, he turned away and left me to my work. Though I know he flashed a smile at me the first two times. At the end of the week, I was finally released from Greenie duty. Gally had moved back to his room, so I wasn't allowed to go say hi after dinner.

That night, at least three guys moved their sleeping spots closer to mine. One smiled at me and shook his head after they thought I was asleep. It seemed almost as if they were keeping a watch or something.

Besides the new guards at night, nothing else changed for yet another week. Then I finally managed to corner Gally.

Technically, he cornered me, but that was just because I was bugging him. But the cornering was quite literal.

I threw a bunch of seeds I had been collecting from fruit at him. At the time, he just looked at me and smirked. It was after dinner that he caught me. I generally went for a walk behind the homestead after dinner. He pushed me into the corner of the glade walls and put his hands up on either side.

"Nice evening for throwing seeds, huh?" he asked with a smirk. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You were a perfect target, with that big nose of yours," I said, somewhat teasingly.

He sighed and put his arms down. "Sorry I've been so distant," he said. "But I tried to protect you anyway."

"I noticed," I replied. "Three bodyguards through the day aren't easy to miss."

He nodded. "I recruited them. They were always friends of mine." He chuckled. "Best shanks for pulling off pranks in the Glade," he said.

I smiled. "So, can you stop being distant yet?" I asked.

He nodded. "For your benefit."

I smiled and hugged him. "Thanks." I left him there with his stunned look, and a peck on his cheek.

Life continued. Gally got to be somewhat in charge. Nick and Alby were the leaders, but if Gally told you to do something, you did it. That was the way of the world.

My three bodyguards and I were almost always hanging out together. One of them was a slicer, like me. The other two were builders, like Gally. We sort of became Gally's gang.

A few months in, and I heard Newt had hurt his leg out in the maze. Poor guy, running was one of his best traits.

A year has passed since I arrived in the Glade. Twelve Greenies that I've had to watch struggling as I did. And now we're just about to get another one. I thought as the siren went off. I ran to the box with the gang and Gally, just as we usually did, and we pushed forward to get a better look. And we waited...


AT: sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to save the next events for another chapter.

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