Broly x Reader Pt. 2 'Fragile'

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A week went by, and you still weren't able to fully relax. Paragus--as he had, finally, told you his name the other day--seemed to focus on the device he was wearing a lot. You were getting suspicious about it, to be frank, because the other day you'd noticed that the gem on it glowed whenever he told Broly to do something.

Broly...was something else entirely. He seemed to stare at you a lot with those large dark eyes of his. And that...that kind of creeped you out.

Today you woke to find the young giant curled up to you.

"Er...good morning, Broly."

"Good morning, (y/n)." He let go of you, and sat up on the end of the bed, just as you sat up.

"When did you come in here?"

"I...don't remember. It was still dark, and it was cold, so I thought I'd keep you warm." After looking down at you he suddenly reached out and touched your face.

"What are you--"

"You' small..." He said, his voice shifting just a bit as his fingers slipped down to your neck "...and...fragile..."

You gulped. What was he doing?

His eyes flickered, and just as his hand started to move lower, Paragus appeared in the doorway.

"Behave, Broly."

Broly pulled his hand away from your chest. "Yes, father."

"Go into the other room and eat, breakfast is ready."

As Broly left, Paragus turned to you with a glare. "And just what the hell was that about?"

"I don't know! I woke up and he was in here!"

"You're quite sure you didn't invite him?" He asked as he walked over, with venom lacing every word.

"Why the hell would I do that?"

The only reply you got was a slap that sent you across the room and into a closet door.

Paragus stormed after you and hauled you up by the hair. "Make one sound and I will end you, you little cretin. The only reason you continue to exist is because I need to be sure of something. Do you understand? The second you stop being useful to me is the second you die."

"B-but...what am I supposed to do?"

"Simply live. Do not do one thing more. Eat, drink, and sleep. That's all you need to do. Understand?"


"Now go in there. And if you let slip that I--"

"I...I won't," you said nervously, stepping quickly out the door and down the short hallway.


The rest of the day went as you expected. Paragus was constantly around watching both Broly and you, and whenever the former got too close to you, he was commanded to back off, to give you space.

Thankfully, however, it passed quickly. Night fell and you went to bed.

...and woke up with the same visitor as before--only this time, Broly appeared to be stroking the bruise on your face.

How long had he been there? Was he watching you sleep?

"Mmph...what are you doing in here again?"

"How'd you get that?" he asked, lightly tapping the bruise.

"I tripped and fell."


You laid there, and stared at him, just as he was doing to you, and began to wonder...what was Paragus hoping to accomplish here? Why was he trying to control his son to this extent? And why had he brought you here? To see how well he could do that very thing?

He seemed to smile and, bleary-eyed, you smiled back.

You heard footsteps, though, and tensed suddenly.

"It's just my father."

"He doesn't want you in here." You looked up, scared--and saw that he was still smiling.

"Just pretend to be asleep."

You took a deep breath, and did just that, laying as quietly as you could as the door opened.

"Broly? Why are you in here?"

"I wanted to watch her sleep."

"You don't need to do that. Come on out and go sleep in your bed."

"But she's--"

"Now, Broly."

"Yes, father."


The next three weeks went much the same as the first.

You'd almost think Paragus was experimenting, the way he kept handling things. After the second week he'd had you start handling the cooking, and then seemed to alternate between making Broly insult or praise the food. Then it was the cleaning and the cooking.

And really, all you wanted was for the nightmare to end. Living wasn't even what you were doing--you were just existing...and for what? To satisfy this man's sick need to see how far he could lead his son around?

Tonight, however, had been mercifully quiet. Paragus had gone to bed early, and you were heading to your tiny room as well.

You sat down on the bed facing the window, and tried not to cry as you thought of just how stuck you were. Sure, you could run, but without any money, what point would there be in that? You hadn't had any time to earn anything, and your revealing clothes had been switched out for normal ones anyway. There wasn't any chance of you even getting a customer.

That was when you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders, and when you looked back you noticed it was Broly, kneeling on the bed behind you.

"Oh...hello again. Does your father know you're in here? I don't want you getting into any trouble."

"He' asleep."

That voice was...different than you remember.

"And I know it's you you're really worried about..." One of his hands went to your throat, and pushed your head back against his upper abdomen.

"But, I--"

"Hush, now," he said, chuckling under his breath. He sat down cross-legged on the bed and pulled you up onto his lap. "He won't hurt you this time."

"If he finds out you were--"

"I said hush." His grip on your throat tightened slightly.

Your inhaled sharply. What--what had happened to him? This wasn't the Broly you were used to hearing. Was this what Paragus was trying to--

"He won't interrupt me this time." he whispered in your ear. "He brought you here for me and he should have expected this."

You found yourself turned suddenly around, and you looked up at Broly's face--only to notice that, aside from the disturbing smirk on his face--

His eyes...

What had happened to his eyes?

"Don't hurt me," you found yourself saying, "Please don't hurt me."

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