Frieza x Reader Pt. 8 'Development'

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Things...changed after that.

Despite being peeved at having such a thing thrust on you, you found yourself oddly content. The doctor told you the most fretful period in the pregnancy as far as miscarriages were concerned had passed, and therefore your only concern now was nutrition. And avoiding overexertion.

That was the most difficult part. The doctor had said you were in the clear, yet your work assignments were drying up like water in a desert.

It was so...unlike...Frieza to be that careful. But considering how your last three pregnancies had gone, perhaps it was for the best.

The comforting "nesting" feelings (as the doctor described it) you got didn't help you feel any better about the comments, however. As you started to show, you found yourself...isolated. (F/n) had no issues with it, but quite a few others did. Whereas before, when you had been, as one particularly rude minion said, "only his mistress," when your dalliance involved only yourselves, things had been that you had fallen pregnant, it seemed quite a few people wanted to avoid you.

Whether it was from fear of Frieza or a general dislike of seeing the results of the aforementioned dalliance, you didn't know. It was just as well that people weren't bothering you, though, because you felt...

...well, it was hard to describe, but the best answer you could come up with was "weak." Training had become much more difficult and when you asked (f/n) to check your power level with her scouter she noted at least a 30% drop from your previous high.

You knew that wasn't normal. Sure, you weren't going out on planet clearing jobs anymore, but you were still training, albeit a bit less than before. A loss like that was completely and utterly out of the ordinary, and it made you feel more vulnerable than you had in ages.

The doctor, however, disagreed. He'd been able to salvage some saiyan medical information and found that a diminished power level was quite common once the second trimester began. a lot of other things, you got used to it.

Your appetite seemed to increase greatly despite your fighting less and less; you seemed to be congested all the time, to say nothing of the intermittent nosebleeds; and though the cramps were not that bad they were still an annoyance.

It wasn't all bad. were beginning to feel a bit lonely. This on-again, off-again thing with Frieza was now off again, and you were wondering what would happen after the child was born. Would he take it and leave you completely? Would he allow you to look after it? Would he...kill you, once you had served your purpose? He'd assured you once before that those who did a good job for him tended to be allowed to keep doing said job, but anymore you weren't sure of very much. Especially when it came to him.

At least I still have you, you found yourself thinking, looking down at your belly.

Near the end of the fifth month, the station doctor made an appointment for you to get an ultrasound. You'd had one or two before to check on the baby's health, but this one, found yourself looking forward to it with anxious anticipation.


"Well, it looks like someone has been following all my instructions. Good work, (y/n)."

"Taking the vitamins, eating properly, not training as much...I tell you, doc, that last one's a hard pill to swallow."

"But you've handled it very well. Now, let's get on with the ultrasound."

Shifting a bit awkwardly, you lay down and raised your shirt slightly. The doctor brought over the rolling desk with the screen, and once making sure it was on, moved the wand over your lower abdomen.

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