Yandere!Broly x Reader Pt. 9 'Seed of the Rose'

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It had been two months, and you'd woken up to find Broly's head on your stomach more often than not.

"Good morning," you said quietly.

"It's moving," he replied, not budging an inch from his spot.

"It's normal for the baby to do that," you said, "It's figuring out that it can do things, so it's doing them."

He went silent.

"Broly? Are you alright?"

"I made it," he said, "I've never made anything before."

You put your hand on his head, and felt puzzled when he flinched. He said he loved you all the time. Why, then, did your touch seem to scare him?

"Are you okay?" You asked gently. It was odd, sometimes you were scared of him, and then there were times like this. Times where it was obvious he needed help with...well, everything. Where it was obvious, how broken he was.

"...I don't know what to do," he said.

"I do," you replied, smiling just a little as you stroked his hair, "Don't worry."

"I can't not worry," Broly shuffled up so he could meet your eyes. "Every day I think that I wouldn't know what to do if I came back and you weren't here. Every day I wonder when you'll figure out you'll have it better somewhere else and leave."

"I married you," you said, taking one of his huge hands in both of your own, "That means I made a promise not to leave. And I am going to keep it."

He just looked so lost...

"I'm not going to leave you. Alright?" You squeezed his hand when you noticed his eyes blanking.

"Mine," his voice shifted, "You're mine."

"Yes," you said, beginning to shake as he moved his other hand to the side of your face. "I am. I'm not going anywhere."

"If you did..." his nails clenched at your skin, "...if you did, I'd...I'd have to..."

"I--" you cringed as his grip tightened yet again. "--Broly, please."

"...you can't leave me. You aren't allowed to. Do you understand?"

You felt blood welling, and your heart beginning to race. "Broly--"

"You'd be...you'd have to be...I'd have to hurt you."

"I won't--"

"...I love you, (y/n), and if I can't have you..."

"Broly, you can, I'm here, I..." What had set it off? What had you done? Your mind was racing for the answer, but didn't seem to be finding one.

"...then hell will," he whispered in your ear.

"I love you too, Broly." Your eyes were wide, tears were gathering at the edge, but it didn't seem to dissuade him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," you said quickly.

"Tell me why." He moved over you and your breath hitched in your throat when he put one hand around your neck.

"Why what?"

"Tell me why you love me. If I'm convinced...well..."

"I feel safe with you," you lied, "I've never had to worry about being hurt with you. You're gentle, you always seem to be thinking of me...I just..."

"I don't think that's enough."

"I don't know what else to say! That's why I love you! I can't explain it more than I have. Please...please, Broly, don't..."

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