Yandere!Broly x Reader Pt. 8 'Luca'

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It was hard to believe that your father was even still alive, but he was.

Your mother called about a week after the wedding in a panic, and seemed to be angry at you.

"Why did you do it?"

"What do you mean?" you asked. It was hard to even tell what she was saying, she was crying.

"You told him to do it, I know you did! Did you even think about me, did you give a damn about me?!"

"Slow down and tell me what happened!" you shouted into the phone, though you were already wondering what Broly had done. This had to be it.

"Your husband, that Broly. I know he did it, you knew all the time you were going to tell him to do it. How could you do that to your own father? He's missing a toe, his femurs are broken, they're rebuilding his goddamned shoulder because the socket is broken into who knows how many pieces, and his jaw is wired shut!"

"Would you mind telling me why you think Broly did it?!"

"Because your father told me, (y/n)!"

You couldn't help but laugh. Nothing had changed, really. It was the truth, of course, but your mother never doubted anything that came out of your father's mouth. Even when he said you'd done things you hadn't done as a kid, things that were definitely not part of your personality. She'd believed him when he said that you were the one who'd stolen money from her wallet, and so on. You had long since lost any pity you had for her. You'd been willing to at least tolerate their company for the wedding's sake, but now, well...

"And you believed him?"

"Don't you believe everything Broly tells you?"

"Yes, but that's because he doesn't freaking LIE TO ME!" you shouted, "All dad's ever done is lie! Lie, lie, lie! Getting me into trouble, doing everything he could to make me know that I was worth less than the bottle to him!"

"How can you say that? He's your FATHER, he wouldn't do things like that, I'd know!"

"Well, he's a really bad one! You know what, I don't care. I don't even want to hear about it. I don't even want to hear from you. When you're ready to leave him, then you can come talk to me. But I can't be part of this anymore, it's why I left in the first place."

You hung up at that, sighing. Your father was lucky that all Broly did was break a few of his bones. The bastard deserved much worse...but you didn't want to create more problems than were necessary.


Nothing much changed after the wedding, although you did notice that Broly's ring never came off. But that wasn't much of a surprise, as fanatical as he was over the two of you. Together, as often as he had the time...which, thankfully, was a little less often now that he'd gotten that little promotion. It was almost adorable to see his eyes light up when he saw you at the end of a long day. And then, of course, there was the "attention"...

He didn't hit you. Didn't scream at you. Didn't drink or do drugs. You kept reminding yourself of those things, and bearing his odd remarks got easier over time. He was already far superior to your father, he just...had a few quirks, that was all. Keep him happy, and he would keep you happy.

A few days after that phone call you were heading to the doctor.

You'd organized the finances and only just now had gotten around to sorting out co-pays and such...to be frank, you were eager to make sure that you were in good health so went in for a physical. They asked a few questions, weighed you, which turned out average, and took blood...though, the most embarrassing part was having to pee in a cup for a urinalysis. Then they'd sent you back to an exam room and told you to wait.

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