The Signs when someone is pointlessly arguing with them even after they won

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The Signs when someone is pointlessly arguing with them even after they won

Aries: Look here, it's obvious that I won so shut the f*** up.

Taurus: How many times do I have to explain myself??? Why don't people just listen the first time???

Gemini: I don't have time to continue this pointless argument. Go away.

Cancer: Accept defeat already. Seriously. 

Leo: You know what? I won so stop being whinny about it.

Virgo: I won your own game fair and square. Shush


Scorpio: death glare of annoyance 

Sagittarius: Does it look like I give a f***? You lost.

Capricorn: What part of you is stupid enough to think that you still have a chance?

Aquarius: just zones off and ignores the ranter 

Pisces: Before I kill you for being annoying, stop. 

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