Signs as Marvel Characters

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(omg, how many of you saw AHS Hotel episodes? How is this show so darn good!)

See the post above ^
How true is that.

Signs as Marvel Characters

Aries: Captain America
Taurus: Black Cat
Gemini: Iron Man
Cancer: Daredevil
Leo: Thor
Virgo: Black Panther
Libra: She Hulk
Scorpio: Night crawler
Sagittarius: Captain Marvel
Capricorn: Deadpool
Aquarius: Spiderman
Pisces: Storm

omg omg, I get Chris Evans! If you are reading this, comment who is you favourite marvel charter and your zodiac sign! I honestly like Spider Man, I feel all the movies are bit boring, but the cartoon 'Ultimate Spiderman' is actually nice and funny ( which I never expected to be xD) and I am an Aries, the only reason i like Captain America is Chris Evans, AND IRON MAN AND SPIDEY ARE BAE, ANYONE WITH ME

And how man of you knew that there is a movie coming up from the marvel character Deadpool starring Ryan Reynolds? Comment this below too!

(btw, how was your Halloween?)

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