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"Hello, anyone home?" I heard a high pitched voice. "Hello, are you their?" The girl's voice got higher and I decided to play with her mind a little. I moved things and watched as her reaction got an even more intense look of fear.

It turns out that she had other people with because they jumped out and hollered "Boo!" I could swear that she jumped ten feet in the air. I laughed, but I also knew girls have to stick together. I watch the guys body language and what their faces are saying. I could tell they were scared out of their minds, but they didn't want to show it infront of a girl.

I decided to mess with them a little bit. I went up behind them and made sure my footsteps were heard. They all stopped and looked around. When they didn't hear anything, they continued on. I grabbed the dark haired, fair skin, and deep blue eyed boy by the side and I heard him say, "dude Jacks, stop touching me."

"Joe, what are you talking about? I'm all the way over here." Jacks said. Indeed he was and Joe looked at the girl and said


"Sorry man I was looking at this antique stuff, you know how I'm into antiques." And she to was on the other side of the room.

"Guys, I'm freakin' out. Someone or something just grabbed my side." Then I walked over to Jacks and grabbed his shoulders and shoved him. He stumbled and looked around, surprised and frightened to his witts end.
"Ok, I know that wasn't you guys." Jacks pointed out. "Lets get outta here."

"No, lets look at the antiques more. They are so interesting." Indeed they are, this girl was right. They were mine back in the nineteen hundreds. So I decided one thing. To make them leave I was going to surprise them. When they weren't looking I took a special antique and set it on the side table and I wrote in the dust on the table, take it and get out. When they turned around they saw it and they all gasped.

"That is so cool, but why would it want me to take it?" I got angry when they called me and it, so I wrote on the table, I am a lady. They all look dumbfounded at what I wrote, but none the less they answered. "Sorry." They all said in unison.

"Miss, why do you want me to have this."

It doesn't mean anything to me anymore, take it and leave, NOW.

"Yes ma'am." The girl, Casey, said. Taking the antique with them they left. Which again left me as alone as ever before.

Ever since I was murdered so violently and tragically, I have been so alone. Wandering all about this castle. I used to love living, in this house. I grew up here, but it was all taken from me on the night of my death. I watched everyone I loved grieve, then die one by one. I was to never grow old, only to watch the ones I love grow old and disappear.

I wander around this castle, waiting for the curious to wander in so I can have some fun for once. But, no one comes here anymore because they are to scared. I only hope that one day I can move on, and not have to be lonely. Everyday, I have to think about how I was murdered and how much pain it caused me and everyone I loved.

I'm also known to many now a days as the girl destined to rome.

I know I have a few spelling errors, but please forgive me. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy.
P.S.- enjoy.

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