How dare you?

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I woke up this morning unusually early and strong. I feel like I had so much more energy. I don't know why, but the feeling doesn't go away and I like it. It makes me feel more in control. I walk over to my brother's bed and wake him up, and he to also looks more alive.

We walk downstairs and see them all still asleep. It's quite funny because the girl snores obnoxiously loud. The tough guy whimpers like a toddler. Then Cameron just looks like he is so peacful. The peace doesn't last long as I give out a shrill scream and they all jump up and look around. As their eyes finally land on me, I get more confused.

"What are they looking at?" I ask myself.

"We're looking at you. You're gorgeous." Cameron said.

"Wait, so you can see and hear us?" I asked. They all nodded. "Well today should be eventful." I sighed. Wow, I can't believe this is happening. Why did they have to come here?

"You truly are beautiful." Cameron said in awed whisper. My face by then had started to heat up and I looked at the floor.

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." I whispered.

"Alright enough of the love fest, let's get to questions." I looked at Sarah and put a glare on my face.

"This is my castle, I'll do whatever I want when I please."

"Oh please your just a low life ghost who got murdered and couldn't protect her brother." She said.

I walked up close and put my hand on her throat. I picked her up off the ground and started tightening my grip to where she couldn't get air. "Don't you ever say I didn't protect my brother. I protected him with my last dying breath. Do you know why, because the guy who killed me wanted my brother. But I died rather than give up his life." I seethed.

"Alright, alright, just let her go. I'm sure she learned her lesson. Please, just let her go. I know deep in your heart you don't want to hurt her." Cameron said calmly. "Just let her go."

So I did. I threw her across the room, but at least the couch cushioned her before it toppled over. I gave a menacing laugh that soon stopped and turned into a glare. "You think you guys know everything about me, but you know nothing at all. Sarah, you better sleep with one eye open because I am coming for you." I stated coldly. "And Cameron, you know nothing of what is in my heart, so don't act like you know me." I turned and looked at them all and said, "if you are not out of here by sunrise tomorrow, I will hurt everyone of you." I paused to let that sink in a little then continued. "Even you Cameron." I said, sadness taking over.

Something in me did not want to see him go, but I knew it would be best. I didn't want to hurt him, but if he stayed I feel it will only cause more despair.

I gave him one last sad glance, grabbed my brother's hand and disappeared. With what little bit of energy I had left, I walked to my bed and went to sleep.

Sorry it's short. I'm running out of ideas. Hope you like it.


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