The Final Moment

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I don't know the meaning of the pull, but what I do know is that I want to go wherever it is taking me. I feel that it is a rather good place it would take me.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door and I look up to see Cameron's face, smiling lightly at me. I feel a knot form in my stomach and I don't know why. I smile back at him lightly and wave him to come in. He shuts the door and walks over, sitting down beside me.

"So, what happened yesterday?" He asked.

"Well, I took a trip down memory lane and I feel like I have started to accept what happened. I just don't get why I couldn't accept it before now. I think it's because you've been there to help me through it." I said all in one go. He looks at me with what I think to be love in his eyes. "I think it's my time to go Cameron. So this is my goodbye."

He looked away then looked at the floor. Sorrow plain on his face, I couldn't help the hug I felt the urge to give him. As I gavehim the hug, the pull was almost to strong to resist. "Goodbye Cameron and have faith." I have him a sweet everlasting kiss on the lips and with a single tear rolling down my face, I followed the pull.

I was lead to the hallway, where at the end, the door was open and all that could be seen was a light. So I walked to it and I stopped at the doorway and looked back. I smiled and looked at Cameron, who was crying but had on a smile, Shaun who just nodded and Sarah who just waved, and have my own smile and wave, then walked through to the light and everything disappeared.

Hope you enjoyed. That was the end, I'm sorry. But I didn't have anymore motivation to keep going with this and made it a short story, but decided I couldn't leave it incomplete. So I hope it's not to terrible and thank you for voting and expressing you love for the story, but it's time to sign of and follow other stories.

Goodbye for now!

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