Chapter 21-Kelsey

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Kelsey's pov

We pulled up to this secluded house Kimmy kept playing with her bite which I've told her over and over again to leave alone.

"We are here" Macy said while stepping out of the car.

We got out and I stood in front of the house. Macy was aguring back and forth with someone behind the door.

The swings open to revel a tall guy with twist, he was kinda cute but the name he called Macy before made me question if they were together.

He looked mad to see us considering we just showed up out the blue. We stepped inside and I looked around looking at it makes me remember a few things.

* Flashback*

"Kimmy come on we are staying here for the night" I said as I walked over to this pretty big house.

"Thank god I'm so tired" Kimmy said as she sluggishly followed behind me. We opened the door and I used my knife slightly banging it on the wall waiting. Nothing came so we checked all of the rooms for safety.

"Kimmy come eat and then go wash up"

"What about you"

"I'll be fine" I said as I layed down the cans we have picked up along the way.

"You eat too Kelsey" Kimmy said as she sat down on the floor opening a can of stew. I sighed and sat down opening a can eating some beans.

We sat down peacefully chatting a bit once in a while but mostly relaxing. After we cleaned up we layed down on the couches and Kimmy went to sleep.

I stayed up thinking are they even still alive? What if we did leave them behind? I sighed "all we need to do now is survive" i turned over then finally rested my eyes to sleep.

I was awakened by a thump from the upstairs floor. I looked over and saw Kimmy was still sleep.

I  was about to reach for my knife when something grabbed my hand picking me up and slamming me against the wall. The other grabbed Kimmy as she struggled to get lose from his grip.

"Look what we got here Jason"

"Some pretty little things my brother" the other dude said carassing Kimmy's cheek.

"Get the fuck off of me you-" her words we're cut off by a loud smack emitting off of the walls off the room. I could feel my blood boil as Kimmy whimpered.

"YOU BITCH" I screamed and kicked the dude who was holding me in the balls making him drop down to his knees then punched him in his face knocking him out.

The other guy let go of Kimmy and grabbed me putting a gun to my head. I stared at Kimmy as she stared at me with fear and confusion. I directed my eyes towards the knife on the table.

"When he wakes back up we are going to have a little fun with you pretty little things then leave you here to die" he said in my ear.

Kimmy looked over where my eyes were directed and slowly grabbed the knife putting it behind her back.

"You aren't touching her nor me"

"Oh really who is going to stop me" I brought my elbow back hitting him in the mouth making him shoot the gun at the wall "Kimmy throw it" Ever so swiftly she threw the knife making it mark it's spot right in the middle of his head dropping his body instantly.

I ran over to her and hugged her tightly rubbing her back as she silently cried in my chest. "Shhhh it's okay sis" I rocked us side to side waiting for her sobs to stop.

I closed my eyes resting my head on top of hers when I heard moaning from outside.

"Shit" I grabbed our bags and my knives. I looked at Kimmy "we have to go now" she nodded her head and grabbed her weapons standing behind me.

I opened the door and was surprised by multiple zombies in front of us. I tried to quickly close but they got in and we ran to the back door.

Some broke in through the windows and we were completely surrounding. One grabbed me and I instantly stabbed in the head continuing.

We got out the back door and navigated through the other zombies. Once we made it far down the road we stopped.

"Spot check" We patted around ourselves and checked for any bites "clear" I looked at Kimmy waiting for her response.

She looked up at me dreadful eyes. "Kimmy? Clear?" She looked away covering up her arm.

I grabbed it and raised up her sleeve seeing the bite. I looked up at her with terror.

*End of Flashback*

"Hello Earth to Kelsey" I shook my head at Taylor's voice and looked around seeing everyone look at me and a curly headed tall boy.

"You okay sis?" Kimmy asked.

I nodded my head "Yea imma take a walk" I said as I backed up.

"I'll come with you" Kimmy said.

"No" I looked at everyone esle avoided the hurt in her eye's "Just stay here I'll be back I promise" I said then hugged her softly kissing her head. "Okay" she whispered.

"Dont go far" Macy said.

"I wont" I said looking at everyone one last time then walking off. I need time to myself.


Sorry I had to change a couple things in this chapter cause a friend told me it didn't add up lol ...

But hey we all make mistakes...I have changed it so no worries

Hope y'all liked it tho lol

Love y'all thanks so much for you guys support. 4.01K Thanks a lot guys.

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