5.Unexpected wake up call!

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Draco was not woken by his alarm but rather by being shoved off his bed by a very red Hermione Granger.

"Did you change my clothes?" she yelled and he lay back on the cold floor with a chuckle,

"Yes, but I used a charm and kept my eyes closed the whole time" he said with a yawn and her eyes went wide in embarrassment

"Oh... sorry for shoving you off your bed" she said, hiding her red face behind her waterfall of brown hair, her face getting more red as he stood and she realised he slept shirtless and in a pair of boxers - dear god the man's body was an artwork with chiselled abs, a broad chest and sleek, toned muscles. He chuckled and stretched, looping an arm over her shoulder and giving her a side hug.

"Don't worry about it." He claimed, yawning again and looking down at the little bookworm who was drowning in his pajamas that were obviously about 7 sizes too big. She looked adorable. She yawned and flopped on his bed tiredly.

"What are you doing Hermione?" he asked, sitting next to her and rolling her onto her back gently.

"Going back to sleep, its 3am" she mumbled and he looked to his watch in surprise. He chuckled and gently pulled the covers over her before climbing into the opposite side of the bed, careful to make sure he wasn't touching her. He heard her sigh in exasperation and felt her grab his hand, yanking him closer to spoon around her. He laughed and lifted her head so she could use his bicep as a pillow. They drifted off into a dreamless sleep with the Gryffindor princess tucked tightly in the arms of the Slytherin prince, both of them sleeping peacefully for the first time in a long time.

Hermione woke up just before Dracos alarm could go off and was confused for a moment before she realised where she was. She blushed as she remembered the events of 3am and how she had climbed into bed with Draco and made him cuddle with her. Hermione looked over at him and chuckled softly at his peaceful expression. He looked so young when he was asleep. Quietly, she snuck out of his bed and looked down at the huge silvery pajamas that she was dressed in, realising they must belong to him. She made her way back to her room and then into her en-suite bathroom, loving how everything was decorated in her favourite colours. She took a quick shower and magiced her hair dry in silky smooth waves. She got dressed in her sheer stockings, skirt, white shirt and tie. Pulling her jumper over her shirt and donning her black robe. She slipped on her low heeled court shoes and grumbling over the length of her skirt that was far too short in her opinion. Quickly throwing on a small amount of makeup she rushed out of her room and into the common room, she was pleased to see Draco ready as well and waiting for her as she grabbed her tiny beaded bag which she transfigured into a sling schoolbag wandlessly. He raised his eyebrow at the grinning witch and opened the portrait hole. They stepped out and Hermione turned, curious to see who their portrait was. She gasped and grinned widely when she saw Sirius grinning at her from the large frame,

"Hello Mione" the man in the portrait said and she smiled softly,

"Hey Sirius. I'm so glad you're our portrait this year. It will be nice to see you every day" she said and he smiled at the young witch.

"Well I'm just glad they didn't put me anywhere near the fat lady, you know she still hasn't forgiven me for all that confusion in your 3rd year? Women, I tell ya. Anyhow I'm glad to see you feeling better this morning Mione, Draco told me what happened and I have to tell you, Harry is livid. He reckons he's going to throw a bat bogey hex at Ron the second he sees him, apparently Ginny finally taught it to him and he's been itching for an opportunity." Sirius informed them and Hermione shook her head, Sirius looked at his nephew and nodded at him,

"Keep this woman safe" he said simply and Draco nodded solemnly. Together Draco and Hermione made their way to the great hall for breakfast.

Meanwhile at the ministry of magic, Harry sat in the comfortable chair behind his polished mahogany desk, a few case files neatly stacked on one corner under the sleeping model of the Hungarian horntail he had faced in the tri-wizard tournament. The lifelike mini dragon often chewed on Harry's fingers affectionately or set little balls of paper on fire when Harry flicked them at him, but for the most part slept quietly on the corner of his desk. Harry sighed, knowing that he would have to face Ron today, knowing what his best friend had done to the woman he considered his sister. He steeled his resolve as Ron waltzed into his office holding the interoffice memo Harry had sent him when he arrived at work.

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