living to dead

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( Author's note: I did not write this scene, it is the original from the anime ' Black butler' or 'Kuroshitsuji' (English dubbed) , I merely re-wrote it as if it was in a book and added a beginning and ending. This will be the start of the fanfiction. I hope you guys enjoy :) ) 

'Day into night, sugar into salt, living to dead, and silver into gold.- That's what makes a Trancy butler'

The blonde lay nude and covered in sweat on a bed in a room that was grander than his old life would of even let him fathom. He hated it. The disgustingly tacky gold of the place stole his vision and would not let him have it back. It was like looking at a corpse. You could hate it.. But looking away was a whole other matter. When the blondes rainwater eyes glazed the gauzy gold gilt of the room he felt nothing but disgust.  The older male who slept beside him disgusted him more. 
Used, abused, degraded. That is all the blonde felt. He could hear that voice again, it echoed in his head every now and again, whispering of a better life if he only sold his soul. 

"What's my soul worth anyway?" He hissed under his breath in a spiteful tone. The deep, quiet and almost emotionless voice answered him back whilst the itching in his mouth started again. It was on the tip of his tongue, literally. " Why don't you find out..?" 
And so the blonde sat up, stark naked, and still covered in love bites that felt like hate. 
He had seduced the earl of Trancy, and forced the man to love him with his beautiful face and sweet giggles. Inside however the blonde only felt sickened inside when he looked at the older man he called 'father'

The blonde could feel the pull of the demon again. He remembered the dream and silently wondered if that voice he was hearing was actually /real/. The demon had gazed at him through a spiders haze like he was the most important thing in the world.

Alois had never been valued before.

"Darkness.." The boy whispered under his breath. His mind was a haze of that darkness, frustration and hate. He had done this all /for/ the demon- yet he did not know if the demon was real.. of if it was a figment of his imagination in that hazed mind. 

The red and gold gilt room around him seemed to start to spin, the thick gold quilt over him fit for royalty, covering a terrible secret. " Darkness coils its implacable fingers around me." He stated, staring at the spider slowly working its web in the corner of the room. It was feasting upon a butterfly...
-How terrible-
He thought.
-That such a beautiful creature should be caught in a deathtrap.-

" I am ever ensnared by it. Its dark blades pierce me to the core."
The blonde's voice had changed with that line, going from something filled with regret and melancholy to utter and fierce hate. His tongue was starting to burn and itch painfully in that one spot whilst the blonde stood. His delicate shape was exaggerated by the moonlit window he wandered towards. " I can feel them... drawing out every last drop of warm blood, slowly..." 
His whisper was utterly hopeless.
"Even so" The deep voice answered him in more of an agreement to the deal they were about to make than a question. The blue-winged butterfly twitched in its web, the spider that had sucked from it abandoning it to glide down the window on its clear thread. It hung in front of the boy. 
"Even so." The boy whispered back, voice beginning to taint with a ruthless cruelty. " I /choose/ this." 

"So now..."
"I'll scream it." He hissed. 
"Rend the darkness with your voice." The deep voice commanded him. 

"I WANT THIS. I WANT YOU!" His tongue felt like it was fire, like it had been pierced by something venomous.
He could feel power flooding through him, and a breeze brushed his ear. It was the voice, again, adjoined by the slight click of somebody adjusting glasses.

" I am yours. Your highness."

The perverted male left on the bed's mouth bubbled and foamed. On his neck was the tiny peirce of a venomous spider bite. 

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