Sugar into salt

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Alois lay askew on a red velvet sofa, watching the golden ceiling above him. His butler sat at the studies desk a few feet away. "I'm bored" The blonde whined with a pout, turning over and resting his chin on the arm of the sofa. He watched with a burning, hungry gaze.
" Is this not entertaining, young master?" The spider answered in a monotone voice, golden gaze flicking upwards too the boy. Alois took the moment to arch his back provocatively and run his hand through his hair in an attempt to catch the demons attention. He was in a bored but sugar sweet mood... But his Claudie never wanted too play. 
"No, play with me." Alois purred. Claude simply looked up again, eyeing him over with a stony look and pupils that burned with judgment. The blonde felt his confidence slipping away from him under the demon's stare, he hated feeling so unwanted... but god he also loved how much of a stiff Claude could be.
"You think 'playing' is a job appropriate for a butler?" 
"Are you questioning me?" The blonde said sweetly with a sudden and lower tone too his voice.
Claude stood, packing away the paperwork neatly. " Of course not, your Highness, I was merely speculating."
"Don't do that its annoying." Alois pouted. Claude walked over too him and scooped him up gently, as if he was the most perfect flower ever grown.

Alois still reminisced to times like this, back when Claude had paid him attention, cared to pleasure him... made him feel clean and special again.

" Where too, /my/ Highness?" Claude murmured softly, the delicate blonde flopped in his arms and giggled. " In the garden, I heard those annoying triplets whispering about us yesterday.. lets give them a /real/ show." Alois snickered. Claude looked down at him, straight face quirking into the briefest hint of a smile. " Yes, your Highness." His gaze had changed into something less than cold for a few moments, like he could see right through Alois to the stunning soul inside and not the swirling layer of body and emotional damage that masked its scent over the top. It would be a look like that, the look of pure adoration, that Alois would forever crave after, till the very moment he left the earth. 

It reminded him of Luka.

Wingless Creatures (Alois x Claude) Where stories live. Discover now