Day into Night

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Alois stared out the window, features lit in excitement. He had never been into London before without the supervision of the last earl of Trancy.
That had usually been to be fitted for some silly new outfit and choose a small treat like candy that he would later be teased with, fed, and he would have to pretend to like.
He had taken a favor to marshmallows.

"Ooh we should go there Claude!" Alois stabbed his little fingers at Harrods as they passed. The blank demon let out the softest sigh. " Yes, your highness." He tapped the roof of the handsom Cab and it stopped. Alois dashed out almost instantly and into the crowded street, his blonde hair messy and rainwater eyes bright. He loved the place. Unlike in the village, he was not ignored here.
He was one of the people doing the ignoring, /he/ was the Earl Trancy

Jim Marken was no more.

But Jim Marken had bean a child who was constantly picked on. Alois was too excited to imagine it could ever happen again.
He took a pruposeful step toward the brightly lit store, however he paused when a street kid caught his eye.
Just down the alley to the left of him was a small boy, perhaps five or so, with brown hair. He was slumped against the brick walls with his head buried in his hands. Alois's breath caught in his throat. The boy looked just like...

"Luka." He whispered under his breath.

Alois coulden't even hear the clip of his own heels as he dashed and skidded too kneel before the boy. " Luka?!" He cried. " Oh its really y-yo-!"
A hand was clamped over his mouth and he was dragged back. The blondes sudden and frightened yells were muffled as he was dragged away from street view.
"Good kid, I'll pay ya later." Came the voice from behind Alois. The boy with Luka's hair grinned and sat up. He had a cleft lip and green eyes. The tears started sliding down Alois's cheeks and his cries ceased.
It wasen't Luka, just a kid paid to attract the attention of fools... so they could be robbed. The theif's hands scrabbled through Alois's pocket and grabbed his coin purse. " Thats it, good lil snob. Pretty, aren't ya?" He mumured. "Might fetch a price just as pret-" air caught in the theif's throat as his neck was silently snapped. Claude simpy threw his body aside, catching the sobbing blonde as he fell back and hugging him tight. "Its all right, your highness. He is gone." The butler offered. Alois simply turned in his arms and kept sobbing, now into Claude's chest. " He looked like Luka!" Alois wailed, clutching the demon's shoulders and shaking. Claude paused for a few moments, acessing the situation.

"....Yes, your Highness." The demon mumured in return, savouring the scent of the boys soul within his arms.
His eyes half lidded, iris's glowing a hungered pink.

"Yes your highness, he looked like Luka."

Wingless Creatures (Alois x Claude) Where stories live. Discover now