Pain into Pleasure

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(Smut. Read at your own risk)

"Don't leave me alone!" Alois screamed into the darkness, cradling his little brothers body and crying too the heavens. He gave a howl of terror as the cold body disintegrated into spiders in his grasp. They swarmed over him, biting and crawling up his nose. He choked, kneeling too the ground. " Somebody please help m-!"

"Master." Two hands clamped down on Alois's shoulders, startling him awake. He panted heavily in cold sweat, eyeing the tangled sheets around him and then his spider. Claude sat in front of him, watching him with demons eyes that were pink and aglow.
He shuddered. Had the demon been sitting there? How long for??. Claude knew he HATED people watching him in his sleep. At least he should've known, right?
The last person to do so had been the earl of Trancy. His 'father'.
He glared at Claude for a few moments, hissing accusingly " Why are /you/ here??"
"You were having a nightmare, your highness." Claude explained, removing his gloved hands from the boy's shoulders. Alois pulled the blankets around himself tightly, calming slowly. He noticed that with a sick disgust the demons eyes were fading.
What sort of a kick did Claude get from watching him cry in his sleep? Alois sniffled, wiping his tears away with the sleeve of his night-shirt.
Well he would do the /opposite/ of what Claude loved, just to spite the demon. He would do all he had ever known how to do when he woke to an older man with hands on him and tangled sheets in the middle of the night.
At least it was more enjoyable this way.
He gave a kitten soft smile and dropped the blankets from his shoulders, a wrathful hate burning inside of him, and slid onto the demon's lap. His arms wrapped around Claude's neck and he whispered heatedly in the others ear. " Thank you for waking me, Claude~ There must be some way to repay you~."
"Is that so, highness?"
The demon murmured, letting the human lick over his earlobe seductively. He groaned slightly. These moves were all practiced... but the hate he could taste from inside the boy's stomach was nearly driving him wild with hunger.
Soon their clothes were discarded, the boy laying beneath the beast and moaning his every physical want. Frustration pricked at Alois, the demons eyes were glowing with pleasure.

And so the first time Alois finally 'just had sex' with the demon, Claude, for the first time, made love.
Desperate shudders and moans left the demon as they moved together, like a ghoul bedding an angel. Except the ghoul was almost human.
The angel let out whimpers and moans as he was touched, acting like he was melting into his demons palms whilst his insides remained singed into steel. The pleasure only felt like pain as he realized... Claude actually loved it.

After their jumbled bodies fell away from each other, Claude stood, beginning to put his clothes back on. "Forgive me, master, I must begin preparing breakfast."
The boy said nothing until the demon had left the room, both of them well aware of the tears streaming down his turned away face.
Once the door clicked shut Alois could all but sob into his pillow "Why do you n-never stay?" The feel of the demon no longer laying beside him finally shattering the hate inside him into a mess of sorrow.

No matter how many steps ahead Alois thought he was, he always seemed to discover he was thousands of miles behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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