Chapter three

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Kato's point-of-view

"WHAT" I yell, getting the attention of the two people in front of me. I was sitting up in the bed, and as I tried to move more I felt a sharp pain on the side of my stomach. I clenched the bandaged side, looking at the sheets, squinting my eyes lids closed.

[y/n] came up to me asking if I was alright as she put me back down on the bed. My back was against the mattress, and my head on a soft pillow.

I finally opened my eyes after closing them from the exhausted pain. When I looked up the doctor was gone, and an additional character was in the room.

I tried to move my head to the side to see who the person was, but I failed feeling a pain in my neck.

I was kicked in the fight 5 days ago, almost everywhere, but before they could do anymore harm, that was when [y/n] rescued me, passing out in her arms on the way back.

I tried harder to move my neck, but it wouldn't respond. [y/n] saw my grieve so she said "oh...right. Kato, Ace came to see how you were doing.

I finally got myself to look at Ace. Even though we were rivals for [y/n]'s heart, I think we could be the best of friends some day.

He looked at me in discomfort. I saw in his eyes he was sad, for how he wasn't there to help us. He looked at me, having slight tears strolling down the side of his face, but once he realized this, he wiped them off.

He put a fake smile on indicating he didn't want [y/n] to worry. I closed eyed smile back at him. "hey, [y/n] can you go in the hallway for a minute, I want to talk to Kato alone." He said staring at the ground holding back his tears.

"OK, but I better not come back in here just to see you two fight" she said scolding us.

"we won't " we said in unison. She left the room, going into the hallway. I stared at the door for a few seconds, then moved my gaze over to the sobbing Ace.

I could here him mumble "i-its f-fault " he said trying to wipe away the tears that were now flowing out of his eyes.

I was shocked to see Ace crying like he was. I didn't think he was the kind to cry that way.

"umm....i-its o-ok, don't cry " I said sweat dropping at the sight.

He looked up at me with his tears smeared across his face. He gave them one more wipe with his bare arm, then spoke.

"I'm sorry.... It was all my fault you got hurt" he said clenching his fists, looking at the cold, white floors. "if I was there you wouldn't...have to...suffer" he tried to say as his words roughened a bit.

" no, it's fine, don't blame yourself" I say trying to calm him down. He finally looked back up at me, with a small smile forming across his face.

" Arigato, Kato, thank you for everything, thank you for becoming my friend" when he said 'friend' my eyes widened a bit, then went to normal as I said " no problem bro.... even if I don't have much time to spare" I said mumbling the last part so he couldn't hear, but as expected he heard.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT MUCH TIME TO SPARE" he yelled. Soon [y/n] came in asking what happened.

We both looked at her, then back at each other. "[y/n] I over heard your conversation with doc, and I was wandering if you can tell Ace what's going to happen to me" I said moving my head towards the wall trying to block out their gaze. It wasn't working.

[y/n]'s point-of-view

"[y/n] I over heard your conversation with doc, and I was wandering if you can tell Ace what's going to happen to me" Kato said as he moved his gaze to the wall.

Ace and I stared at him for a few moments before I started talking.

"ummm" I (fake) coughed getting Ace's attention. "well you see Ace....Kato won't make it" I said uncomfortably rubbing my arm, diagonally looking at the ground on the other side of him.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT GOING TO MAKE IT" Ace practically screamed getting my attention back on him.

" well... Ace, Kato has a too, severe injury for the doctors to handle. They can't save him. He...he is going to die." I said feeling tears well up on the corners of my eyes.

"when is know going to, ugh, die" Ace said uncomfortably, looking straight in my eyes. I looked back in his gaze, then all of a sudden I burst out crying.

"h-he is...g-going...on.....t-the fifth" I try to say as Ace came up to me, embracing me in his arms.

Kato was going to leave this planet in 10 days. It will be sad. I didn't want to see my childhood- NO my best friend die so soon. He always cared for me even if I was mad, sad, or happy. He lent me his hand when no one else would.

I was different from other people. I ate the 'devil devil fruit' this fruit turned me into a monster. People thought I was an actual demon when they first laid eyes on me. But Kato went up to me saying I looked cool. And from then on we were friends.

I looked up at Ace, he looked down on me. We stayed there until the doc came in telling us he needed to run some tests on Kato, so we had to leave.

I said good bye to Kato then left the room. I waited till Ace came back out, for me to tell him good bye as well.

We said our good byes then went our separate ways for the rest of the evening.

~~Time skip~~

It has been 9 days now. I have visited Kato every day, sometimes seeing Ace in there as well. Today is the last day I will be able to see Kato. It makes me cry every time I think about it.

I walked into to room. No one was in there except me and a sleeping Kato. I walk over to a chair next to his bed. 'he is so cute when he sleeps' I think, watching his chest move up and down as he breathed. Then I noticed some thing odd. HIS CHEST STOPPED MOVING. I go up to his neck, then put two fingers to it trying to feel his pulse.THERE WAS NO PULSE.


So there's my third chapter finished. Sorry about not updating sooner, but I was doing a lot over the weekend. For instance school work. HATE IT!!!

So well I hope you like it and I'll try to update sooner.


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