One should never spy around bandits.

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I wasn't allowed to the camp fire that night.

After little John had nearly drown ( even in shallow water ) they both decided to call it quits, letting us newly found delinquents join their outlaw squad.

" sorry girly, men only. " little John said while taking me to my hut and giving me a picnic to please myself.

" charming. " I muttered as he walked away.

After eating what I had been given I decided to have a wander, maybe even gate crash the guys but secretly.

So off I headed into the direction that we had first been taken to a clearing, golden trees surrounded a old, wooden burnt out camp fire.

I decided not to get too close. Some of these people were smart and had excellent hearing I wasn't risking it.

When I got there I heard Robin and Duncan fighting with the guy who had pulled the rope. Who eventually jumped out of his tree sick of not getting his way.

I watched on when suddenly a twig snapped behind me. I turned and placed my back against the tree, looking round I decided there was nothing there and so went back to watching the pack.

All of a sudden a hand was placed in front of my face on the tree blocking my view.

I jumped in surprise turning my back against the tree again.

" with spying comes punishment. " it was the tool who had tripped Robin.

" hilarious, I shall have to re think spying next time then won't I. " he just smirked for I knew his first statement was a joke.

I tried to walk away but he pushed back keeping me against the tree.

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