Like what you see?

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Robin had disappeared for a good few hours and I was the only one getting worried.

I was sat by a fire, Will was on the other side of it sharpening a knife.

I studied him silently, never really getting the chance to look at him this closely seen as he never stood still.

" like what you see? " not even looking up he spoke in an amused tone.

" absolutely not. " I tried to say in an annoyed tone.

" then why. " he finally looked me in the eyes and stuck his knife into a tree trunk. " are you starting at me. "

" it's strange. "

He sighed and rolled his eyes. " what is ? "

A smug smirk appeared on my lips. " I just don't get how some one can be so ugly. "

He looked at me rudely and was about to throw some insult when we were interrupted by Robins return.

He'd brought food.

" wonderful you've stolen the sheriffs horse!! " Will shouted striding towards him.

I followed slowly with concern of my own.

" bloody fool! You'll start a war. "

" will please. Calm down. " I held out a hand to him but he just looked at me like I'd punched him in the face.

That same afternoon people from the village started rolling in one by one, clothes torn and faces bloody.

Each one claiming that the sheriffs guard had attacked their whole village because of robins action.

This time when will started shouting again I didn't stop him, this time he had the right to.

But this time Will got so mad that he reach for a knife from his back pocket and prepared to throw it at Robin.

He would have hit aim as well if it wasn't for wulf notifying Robin of the on coming attack, which sadly lead to Robin putting an arrow through Will's hand.

I watched on in horror as Will sulked away in pain, clutching his now impaled hand.

I battled with myself if I should follow him or not for a good minute.

I decided to go, to clean and tend his wound of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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