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As I ran through the forest, I murmured to myself, "Bad idea, Lieden. Like, really bad." The Yuuzhan Vong had supposedly landed an advance force on Janguine, which overtook the forest natives and taught them their language. A lone coralskipper had tipped off Galactic Alliance security, and they had sent me to investigate. Leia's droid had been right after all; there was a connection between the Mooloolian species of Janguine and the Yuuzhan Vong.

Ahead of me, I saw a clearing and bolted to reach it. The armada of Vong behind me parted and the biggest sentient I had ever seen (besides a Herglic; those were massive) stepped out from behind them. His face was decorated with black tattoos and his top lip was nearly shredded, but the most outstanding feature was his name, carved in the High Galactic Alphabet, on his forehead. This was the one I was finding. The last living member of the Praetorite Vong, Yluk B'Fass, stood before me.

His vermillion amphistaff lashed out toward me, and I dodged the whip. Igniting my lightsaber, I faced him head on. The duel was like a thunderstorm; his amphistaff the lightning, my swinging saber the thunder. Finding his armor's gill slits, I stabbed upwards but my blade deflected off of the lithe warrior. I made a mental note to practice more Ataru when I got back to the Praxaeum.

Aiming a swift kick to his chest, I slid underneath him and came up behind him. He stood back up and turned to face me.

"Liedan Fiedorowicz. You ran from the war. During our invasion, you flew your heretical starcraft far from the front lines. You don't deserve to face me."
I bit back a snarky reply. The duel backed the two of us up to a mountain range. I had not sword-fought for so long, but the old moves surfaced in my dire need. Slash, parry, dodge. Slash parry, dodge.

His amphistaff stiffened with a flick of his wrist and clashed against my beskar greaves. If not for those greaves, I doubt my leg would have stayed attached. I shortened the blade of my lightsaber with a button and went in for a Vaapad swipe. He dodged the strike, but I whipped my blade back and released the blade's extra length. The lightsaber stabbed straight through his armor's gill slit. It began convulsing as it died. B'Fass threw off the armor and the duel began anew. Slash, parry, dodge, jump.

With a quick Force-assisted spin, I aimed another kick with my cybernetic leg. This one rang true and threw the mighty warrior back. I quickly pressed my advantage and stabbed downward twice. Luckily, he only saw the first one coming.

A look of pure shock, then triumph wormed its way across his mangled face. He snarled, "You fell for--," he said a word I couldn't translate, "diversion. My coralskippers have already made their way to the shipwombs, where they will launch to recapture Yuuzhan'tar in glorious battle!" He gasped and spit black blood on my boots. Then his eyes rolled back into his head. The crowd of Vong furtively gazed at me, sizing me up!A war cry rang through the forest canopy, so I did the only sensible thing I could think of. I ran.

This is written in first person as a flashback. Hope that clears this up!

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