Janguine Mountains

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Ahead of me were the open mountains. Re-igniting my lightsaber, I stabbed it into the rock and began climbing. Upon reaching the top, I decided to look for a safe place to rest. Over the next peak lay a plateau large enough to land a prison barge. In the valley below, the shipwomb sprawled out like a massive slug. Even if I threw all the might of the Galactic Alliance Starfighter Corps against it, the skips still had enough power to escape and destroy Coruscant. Even a Force-induced landslide wouldn't do much good, as a coralskipper's plasma cannons could easily melt through the rubble. An idea materialized in my head, but I didn't like it.

"Control, calling Badger," I commed to my drop commander, Badger Ima.

"Badger, affirmative, " she replied.

"I need an Interdictor-class Star Destroyer down here, stat!"

"The nearest is returning from Commenor. It'll take about an hour to get it there."

"No kriffing time! Comm the commander of that ship and patch him through to me."

Static. Then a clipped male voice said, "Admiral Dan-Toel here."
"Cut your engines. When I say so, press forward." I said, realizing what I had to do.
"No buts. I'll see you in a moment." I sat down and began to focus. Master Skywalker had told me of a tactic called folding space. I focused on the world Commenor, then the Interdictor-class, and I willed space to bend to my will. It burned like fire, it stung like sparkbees, and it repelled, so I could barely hold on.

"Now!" I groaned and a crack sounded above my head. The Interdictor-class flashed into view. "Turbolasers," I gasped, "Plateau."

The Star Destroyer, 1600 meters of shining durasteel, hovered over the plateau like a shining spade.

"Now turn them on!" I groaned from the strain. "Then send a shuttle to pick me up."

The air crackled with electricity as the shipwomb's side split open. A swarm of skips poured out and buzzed over the Interdictor. It took all my reserve not to scream in despair as the skips slagged the engines into uselessness. I saw the ship tilt.

"I'll need to set it down, Liedan. The turbolasers are aborted."

I felt sick to my stomach, because I realised what had to be done. "We need to bring that moon down."

"No," was the only answer I received.

"Those skips are going to annihilate Coruscant in a single surprise attack."

Dan-Toel harrumphed. "I can call ahead to Capitol Defense."

"No time to prepare. We gotta cut it off here. What would Aryan want you to do?"

"No." I heard Dan-Toel's voice crack. "I will not condemn another Jedi to death under my watch."

"Damn you, Toel." A high whine emanated from the gravity wells as I used the last of my energy to switch them on through the Force. "You have to make it out. Alliance High Command needs you more than me. The controls are locked. Now off your ship or so help me Deity, you will be crushed by that moon."

A small shuttle detached from underneath and breached the atmosphere. Then I let go, my Force abilities spent.

One moon falling to a planet's surface would make it uninhabitable, two could easily fracture it, but Janguine's three moons could easily shatter it to dust. As the air turned to fire around me, I grimaced and whispered the Tempus Mortis, my people's death prayer. "Mi Dios lo fue, mi Dios lo es, mi Dios por siempre tú seras." My coat had now caught a flame, and I released myself to the Force. I am one now.

The Yo'gand's Core that had begun the war and killed the hero Chewbacca had finally ended the Yuuzhan Vong threat. The galaxy loves irony, so I suppose this was its last little joke: the enemies own tactic used against them, performed by the mechanical devices they so despised.

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