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Why did you write this? In the 2014-2015 school year I had a short story assignment in my English class. With certain guidelines, this story appeared.

Why did you choose the setting that you did? I chose the time of several years after the Yuuzhan Vong War because the idea of the Galactic Reconstruction after the war always appealed to me.

Where did the idea for this story originate? Before I began to write it, I was always fascinated with passing mentions in existing Star Wars canon, like the Battle of Taanab in Return of the Jedi. So after reading New Jedi Order: Vector Prime, I realized that the mention of the Mooloolian species's language being almost identical to the Yuuzhan Vong's language was unexplained as of yet. That seemed too important to ignore. Thus this story now bridges a small gap (and kills a character I really wracked my brain to kill).

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