Do I Look Like I'm After You? [ 12 ]

223 9 7

U n k o w n ' s    P . O . V

November 4th, Wednesday. 

"She's trying to steal that band from you Mercedes. She knows you want them, she wants them." I whispered to the dumb blonde chick in front of me.

We were in a crowded cafe, though I doubt anyone cared about our conversation.

"What do you mean? Bridget can't get a guy, she's just a dirty ugly maid." Mercedes scoffed, flipping her bundle of split ends, she calls hair, over her shoulder.

"To you, she's that, but to those boys, she's new and exciting. They don't have girls like that in England, my dear." I explained, sipping my coffee.

"What, they don't have ugly chicks?" She questioned.

This is going to be harder then I thought.

"Listen, bimbo, she flirted with one at your father's Halloween party and she has another drifting under her spell." I cut her off, and I explained with a smirk.

"What spell? She's a maid not a witch." 

I sighed, "Love spell and it's a metaphor. Glad, stupid isn't contagious."

She gasped.

"She has two, and not too long until she has all five." I added.

"Does she have Elliot?" She asked, on the edge of her seat. She finally caught on.

My smirk grew. 

"He was her first."

I saw her eyes change black. She was on my side.

"We need to stop her." She spoke through her gritted teeth.

"We can finally agree on something." I smiled, putting my coffee up. 

We tapped our drinks together and took a sip.

I looked towards the door and saw my partner-in-crime, literally, coming through the door.

"Mercedes, I'm done with you. I'll text you later and tell you our plan. Goodbye." I told her, waiting for her to leave.

She just continued to sit there.

"Leave. Now." I demanded and she finally left, just in time.

My partner came over and took Mercedes' seat.

"She's pretty." My accomplice said.

"Yeah, pretty fucking stupid." I scoffed.

"Hey, no need for the insults, unless she didn't join the team. Did she?" they asked, raising an eyebrow.

I smiled, "Of course she did, I just waved five stupid boys in her face and she was all mine."

They smiled, "Ah, now the games can begin."

Yes, let the games begin. 

"That stupid maid won't know what's coming".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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