Characters **Please read!**

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There are a lot of characters so here is all the ones you'll find on the side. I will be adding characters as the story goes along. This chapter wasn't fun to write. It was soley created keep track of my many characters. Currently there are just the Chase girls.

Get to know the Chase girls and boy!

Bridget Marie Chase

Age: 20

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Green

Mother: Lynn Chase

Father: Unknown currently

Personality:Bridget is a very sweet and caring young lady. She takes much care for her four siblings and four step siblings, oh and father. She is very mysterious though, she doesn't really let anyone "in" really, just her siblings and best friend I. will,. Shay. Bridget likes things nice and orderly, doesn't like when the train goes off the tracks, she becomes a bit frantic. Bridget has a long temper, but when the final straw is broken, run.

Special Talent: Drawing

Taylor Stephanie Chase

Age: 18

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Green

Mother: Lynn Chase

Father: Unknown currently

Personilty: Taylor is very creative and artsy. Taylor is very sweet and caring, to everyone execpt her step family. Taylor is very short tempered, espcially with her step family. Taylor has little to no love for her step family. Unlike Bridget, who appericates that Logan keeps them, Taylor thinks they'd be better off on the streets.

Special Talent: Decorating Desserts

Piper Justine Chase-James

Age: 17

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Mother: Lynn Chase

Father: Logan James

Personilty: Piper is a lot like her mother, she loves to care for others, entertain guests, and work in the kitchen. Piper can not stand a clutter and is a huge perfectionist. Piper is also a lot like her father, even though she hates to admit it. She loves to be the center of attenion and has little to no self doubt. Her ego is a little bigger than it should be but that's why everyone loves her. Piper is just the perfect amount of self centered, she entertains you but not too much to annoy you.

Special Talent: Song writing and chorgraphy

Tiffany Anne Chase-James

Age: 14

Hair Color: Brown with hints of red

Eye Color: Brown

Mother: Lynn Chase

Father: Logan James

Personality: Tiffany is an extremly likable little girl. She is just an over all adorable, hard working, postive, happy-go-lucky girl. Tiffany loves everybody, even her half family. Tiffany always makes her sisters *meaning Bridget, Taylor, and Piper* and twin brother, Miles, smile when they are blue. Tiffany has many "magically powers", like if you are sad, she can cheer you up like that! She can change your opinion to agree with her. Also she has the power to make EVERYONE like her.

Special Talent: Creating Models

Miles Levi Chase-James

Age: 14

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Mother: Lynn Chase

Father: Logan James

Personality: Miles is an overall chill guy, it takes something REALLY bad to get him down. His sisters haven't really seen him sad since their mother died. Miles was a momma's boy, always was attached to her leg. Miles is a social butterfly, he will talk to anyone and everyone. If he was in a bad mood, you would never guess because Miles believes being angery or upset is awful, so if he is feeling that way, why should other people? Being happy and content is amazing. Miles also has bit of comidic streak in him. Who am I kidding? The kid is laugh out loud funny! Best part is, he doesn't even know he is, that's why he is funny. His sisters call him "a big teddy bear" and "their diary", literally Miles knows enough stuff of theirs to take them down. Miles keeps secrets and is a great listener, hence why he gets a long with his sisters so well. Miles almost always is calm, but touch his older sister, we have a problem. Touch his twin sister *younger than him by 5 minuters*, you won't see the light of day ever again.

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