Do I Look Like I Like Boybands? [ 9 ]

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A/N: hey guys, I tried to throw some comedy in there, not sure if it worked though. In this chapter, the P.O.Vs do change a few times, I felt it was more interesting that way. Please comment anything you loved or didn't love about this chapter, I love when you guys tell me that so I can edit the chapter and make it better. I feel like I wrote this very poorly so I'm sorry in advanced.

If you would like to be tagged when I update please comment saying so :)

Picture: Augustus *I felt this gif was a good representation of him*

Video: "One of those crazy girls" by Paramore

oh and the poem in the story is terrible. I kinda just wrote it in 5 minutes- I'll probably fix it in the future.

B r i d g e t ' s P . O . V

Date: November 1st


I stared at Taylor's work. It was a poem, which is new with Taylor, usually it's just stories but poems? That's new.

"Faster I must run
Run from what will come
Come for me now
Now I roam
Roam the road alone
Alone were I belong.

My short choppy blonde hair flies
Flies in the wind as I run
Run from what will come
Come for me now
Now my small feet
Feet are stained black
Black from the road
The road I roamed."

"It sounds like she's running from someone." Tiffany mumbled.

"Tiff, how can you tell that's me? That's totally not me." I huffed.

Alex looked at me, her eyes widened, "Yes that does!"

"How, it's just words." I asked, crossing my arms.

"The short choppy hair, the style, Bridget, that's you!" Alex shouted, jumping around.

I rolled my eyes, uncrossed my arms, and nodded my head, "Sure, Al, sure."

She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, "You know I'm right."

I shook my head. No way that is me, it doesn't make sense that it would be me. There's barely any detail on that poem, all we share is blonde hair and small feet.

I forced out a chuckle, "Alex, you're overreacting."

Alex was about to defend herself when Bradford came charging down the stairs with Piper nipping at his heels.
First time I have seen Brad ever really run.

His face was beat red while Pipers was ghostly white.

"Did you drop the boys off at the mall, alone?!" Brad asked, his voice booming.

I nodded my head slowly yes, not understanding what the big deal was.

He could obviously tell I didn't understand the big deal, "Bridget, you dropped the biggest band in the world off at a mall in California without any bodyguards!" He yelled, his face somehow finding a way to get even redder.


"Well, how was I supposed to know they'd be mobbed?" I fought back.

"Its common sense, you idiot!" He bit back.

Oh it is? Well maybe I'd fucking know that if you and your dumbass family didn't make me your maid! Maybe then I wouldn't live under a rock!

"Guys," Piper quickly interjected, before things got ugly, "shouldn't we go get the guys instead of fighting."

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