Chapter 12: Break Up?

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Luhan pov

I skipped free period and went out by the vending machines near the boys bathroom. I got out my money and bought my self a chocolate bar. I was about to take a bite when Haeryung pushes me to the vending machine making me drop my chocolate bar into pieces, but she still kept on walking and Chanyeol following behind.

"Haeryung, why are you mad?" Asked Chanyeol trying to catch up to her

She stops in her tracks, turns around and looks at me in a annoyed face as I was hunched down grabbing my chocolate bar from the ground. I looked straight into her eyes and could tell she was really angry, I turned my head back to the my broken chocolate bar. She begins talking.

"You know why!" Screamed Haeryung

"Because that girl kissed me? It's not my fault!" Screamed Chanyeol

"Yes, it is! You could of pushed her away, but you didn't!" Haeryung screamed

"I was shocked I don't react fast, besides I bet if any guy kissed you, you would let it happen."

Haeryung got closer and started moving her hand to chanyeols face to slap him. He grabs her arm and I could see her cry a bit trying to get free. And I'm still watching, trying to get my chocolate pieces back together.

"Haeryung, I didn't mean it like that." Said Chanyeol as he let go of her arm

I got my pieces back together and put it inside my pocket then ran to find Naeun. I couldn't find them until I saw them coming out of the cafeteria so I ran toward them.

Naeun pov

We ran to the boy bathroom near the vending machines and saw Haeryung crying on the ground so I ran to her.

"Chanyeol what did you do?" Asked Sehun

"Nothing!" Said Chanyeol

"Nothing really!" Said Haeryung as she took her face out of her hands

"What did he do?" I asked Haeryung

"He let a girl kiss him!" Screamed Haeryung

Baekhyun and Taeyeon ran to where we were.

"Chanyeol you should've stopped her." Baekhyun said

"You two Baekhyun! You saw what happened!" Said Chanyeol

As Taeyeon and I were making her feel better she suddenly got up from the ground

"You can go back to her. I don't care." Haeryung said with no emotion and left

"Haeryung!" Chanyeol said running after her

They left the school.

"Soooooo let's go hang out at Naeuns house!" Baekhyuns said pointing to me

We all stared at him. He's kind of like another Chanyeol, but I hope this one doesn't let other people kiss him.

"Um no, and why always my house?" I asked

"Because your Naeun." Said Baekhyun with a duh look

"I think he means is that your the one who brings the group together." Said Taeyeon then placed her arm around Baekhyuns waist and he placed his arm around her shoulders

"Awe you guys are so cute! But I don't think I bring the group together."

"Sure you do." Said Sehun

I was a little surprised that he said that.

"Really? Maybe I do."

"Eh don't get to cocky." Said Sehun


He then nudged my arm and gave me a just kidding look. He is too cute.

"Why don't we go to my house."

We all turned around to see Luhan eating pieces of a chocolate bar.

"I mean we always go to Naeuns house so I thought maybe we should go to mine." Said luhan as he placed his chocolate bar back into his pocket

"Great idea, Luhan!" I said

"Ew were going to a guys house." Said Baekhyun

"You don't have to come." Said Taeyeon then went right next to luhan

"No I'm coming." Baekhyun said then pulled her back

"Wait what about Chanyeol and Haeryung." I asked

"What about them?" Said Baekhyun

"They'll work it out Naeun, don't worry." Said Sehun then placed his hand on top of my head

"I guess your right." I said. We then started walking to Luhans house. That reminds me, how am I suppose to get home.


Chanyeol pov

"Haeryung wait up." I said as I was trying to catch up to her.

It was after school and Haeryungs mad at me because I didn't stop a girl from kissing me but it's not my fault I didnt react fast. She then said it was okay to be with the girl but I don't want to be with her besides she look younger.

"Chanyeol can you just stop following me." Asked Haeryung with again no emotion

"No, I'm your boyfriend." I said

"Ex boyfriend."

I stopped. Did she just say ex? I can't take it anymore!

I ran to Haeryung and grabbed her arm and made her face me. I could see her shocked face.

"Really Haeryung do you actually mean that or are you just mad."

I could tell she was thinking but she just hurried up and said

"I mean it."

"Really?" I said and came closer to her

"Ah... Yea."

"Okay then, bye. I said then started walking home leaving Haeryung by herself.

🌸Woah did they just break up!
Sorry it's kind of a short chapter! Thank you for reading I will update soon!🌸

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