Chanyeol & Haeryung #littlemoment

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Hehe I photoshopped this ^

Chanyeol pov
I waited for Haeryung in the parking lot of her apartment she had moved away from her parents house to her very own place but her parents pay for her rent. She comes down the stairs and waves hi to me.

"Did you wait long?" She said as she got in my car then kissed me

"No, just got here." I lied I've been here for a while, she takes forever.

"Well let's go!" She said rolling down the window and sticking her hand out.

"I got a better idea." I said as I started rolling down the ceiling of my car.

"Nice!" She said putting her sunglasses on me

"Do I look cool?" I questioned while looking at myself on my mirror

"Yes you look cool, now let's go to the photoshoot."

You heard right, me and Haeryung sighed up for couple posing photoshoot and we won along with another couple are faces are golden. I turned on the car then started driving I loved the way the air hit my face I felt like a star while my hair was pushed back by the wind. Haeryung looked like a model well she always does shes beautiful, tall, smart... Pretty-

"Keep your eyes on the road!" Said Haeryung shaking me out of my thinking

She's also focused and speaks her mind.
We arrived at the photoshoot place 'Beauty is You' a perfect title for me and my girl.

"Come on, beauty." I said placing my arm over her and squeezing her shoulder

"Okay handsome?" She said with questioning tone.

We walked in and it was a big white room with cameras and people running all over the place. They looked at us the ran toward us and handed us clothes and told us to change quickly. I walked into a changing room for men and I saw a pretty tall guy he was taller then me, I guess this is how Suho feels. He took of his shirt and he had abs I have abs also but he had way more.

"Hi my names Kris." Said the guy

"Um I'm tall I mean Chanyeol!"

He laughs then placed a muscle shirt on.

"What do you have to wear?"

I hadn't even looked at my clothes I took them out of the bag

"I guess leather." I said giving a awkward chuckle

"Cool, I wish I had yours; muscle shirts aren't really my style, well see you out there." He said tapping my shoulder

"Yea, see you there." I smiled awkwardly

After I was done changing I went where everyone else was then I saw Haeryung so I started walking towards her when.

"You two look good together!" Shouted a man at Haeryung and Kris

"Uh actually-" Haeryung started speaking

"I came here with her." I said approaching them

"Oh you did? Well don't you think she looks good with him I mean you're tall but he's taller and she's tall while the other girl is too short for him." Said the man

Haeryung had a surprised expression on her face "I'm sorry I was hoping to take pictures with my boyfriend."

"Just a few pictures then we'll take some of you and your boyfriend." Pleaded the man

She looked at me and bit her lip, she does that when she's confused or when she's trying to turn me on. I nodded my head saying she could do it. She smiled big and I then glared so she stopped

"Is it okay?" Haeryung asked Kris

"Yea, and besides this is my sister." He says

What? That isn't his girlfriend?!

"Wait wait-"

"Okay let's get started um Chanyeel can you switch clothes with Kris? Thanks!"

"Yea why not and its Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol!" I thought to myself

I changed clothes with Kris and I couldn't believe it he looked so much cooler than me! He matched better with my girlfriend then I did!

"Wow you can really see your muscles with that muscle shirt." He said fixing his leather jacket

"Thanks." I said not really meaning it

I walked out and I went to my station next to Haeryungs and Krisis. His sister was there waiting for me. She wasn't even cute compared to my Haeryung. She had gym clothes on since we were doing a sport kind of thing.

"Okay Haeryung and Kris please go over to that tan wall so we can start taking picture."

They went over there and director guy was telling them what to do and then I saw the worst Haeryung looked a him and blushed! She's not supposed to blush!
They began posing they seemed close enough but that director guy didn't think so he told them to hold hands and to look away since their theme was being cool.

"Now if it's too much to ask can you two put your lips together?"

What? What is up with this guy?

"Um I don't-"

"Sorry I can't do that, my boyfriend doesn't want that and besides I wanted to do this with him."

I looked at her my eyes were probably glowing since she knew that I didn't want this.

"Well I guess we have enough pictures." He sighed

"Does that mean Chanyeol and I can take pictures together?" Haeryung said jumping around

"Yes." He sighed again

I smiled at Haeryung.

After photoshoot

"This ones my favorite!" Haeryung said holding the first picture we took as we were walking to my car

"Really I like this one." I said showing her the one where we were looking at the camera

"That one is good actually." Haeryung said as we got into my car

"Want me to take you home?" I asked as I turned on the car

"No let's go to Sehuns house since I know you want to go there and besides I want to see Naeun."

"Sure." I smiled

We went to Naeuns house but nobody was there so I thought maybe she was on a date with Sehun but then again sehuns not like that. We then went my house I mean sehuns and I saw Sehun, Naeun, and some guy on sehuns porch sitting there. We started to approach them

"What are you guys doing? And who's this?" I asked as I placed a piece of chocolate into Haeryungs mouth

"I'm myungsoo." Said the guy


❤️ I hope you liked this #littlemoment! Thank you for reading!!!❤️

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