Chapter 2

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A/N: I'd really appreciate it if you guys would comment and tell me how you like it! 

*Fun Ghoul*

It flew out of nowhere. A white-hot streak of light soaring through the air past my right ear. They’d spotted us. Shit. On impulse, I leapt out of my hiding position and flew into action. There had to be dozens of dracs, all standing in a large cluster. I managed to fire off four or five shots before the sheer number of them registered in my mind. As the grin slowly faded from my face, I felt something grasp my arm and pull me, full-force, toward the ground. I landed with a thud on the hard-packed dirt. It was Party Poison.

“Do you realize how outnumbered we are? What the fuck were you doing?” He whispered fiercely, seeming to have forgotten that we’d already been found out, so it didn’t matter how loud we spoke.

“Saving our asses.” I retorted simply, cracking a smile and tensing to spring out into the open again. Shots were flying past the boulder, where the two of us hid, on all sides. Why the dracs didn’t move to get a better shooting position, I had no idea. But they weren’t known for being too smart anyway.

I carefully peeked around the corner, ignoring Poison’s concern. I didn’t think the dracs noticed my body creeping slowly out from behind our hiding place, so I discreetly raised my gun and fired again. I was able to take out five or six of them before ducking back behind the rock again. I turned to see Poison glaring at me, and I pretended not to notice. All I could do was chuckle. I knew he was pissed that I hadn’t followed the plan, but he should know me better than that. Of course I didn’t follow the plan. I never follow plans.

The dracs continued their rapid fire, not realizing that they weren’t gaining any ground by shooting aimlessly at the rock where we were hiding. Luckily, though, due to their focus on us, they hadn’t even noticed Jet and Kobra hiding behind a rock that was twenty feet away, adjacent to ours. As far as I knew, all of the dracs’ attention was focused on Poison and me. And since Jet and Kobra’s cover hadn’t been blown, as ours had, they could still carry out their side of the plan. Good. That might at least keep Poison from killing me later.

As if on cue, I heard a loud explosion and felt the ground shake below me. ‘Fuck yes!’ I thought excitedly, a triumphant grin spreading across my face. Kobra had recently discovered that if you shot an old can full of gasoline with a ray gun, it would create a fiery explosion. None of us were quite sure what he had been doing that led him to figure this out, but, either way, it was helpful. We tested it a few times, just to be sure it was safe, and decided to add it to our large arsenal of drac-ghosting techniques.

Following the explosion, I saw bloody drac parts - arms and legs mostly - fly past me in all directions. Kobra must have tossed the can into the air before shooting it, allowing the explosion to ghost tons more dracs than it would have from the ground. Brilliant.

Grin growing wider, I jumped back out of my hiding place to finish off any remaining dracs with my gun. I saw Party Poison do the same. There were only about twelve of them left. They began to fire relentlessly at us, their dim minds finally comprehending the fact that we had become easier targets, our rocky armor now ten feet behind us.

 I managed to take out three of them before I saw her. She was running full speed at the dracs just like I was. I stopped short, panic overtaking me. She wasn’t supposed to be here…we hadn’t seen her since we had left her at the diner the day before. I was shocked. I was angry. But above all, I was seriously worried. I lost focus on the dracs and turned my attention to her. I watched incredulously as she took out drac after drac with her ray gun. Wait. Ray gun? Since when…?

“Aly, how the fuck-” was all I managed to get out before the searing pain erupted in my shoulder. I doubled over, clutching the spot where I knew I had been hit. The pain was so horrible; I could barely breathe, and I felt consciousness slipping from my grasp. I gasped for air, trying to focus, but the pain was too great. My vision started to fade, going fuzzy at the edges. I heard someone shout my name, most likely Poison, having been the only one to see what had happened, but I couldn’t focus long enough to find out for sure. As I collapsed on the ground, my vision went completely dark, and I passed out to the sound of a girl letting out a blood-chilling scream.

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