Chapter 7

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Author's Note: Here it is! My longest chapter yet....I spent a lot of time on it. Please comment and vote and all of that good stuff! It would make my day!



*Alkaline Insanity*

                Everyone scrambled up from their various positions of relaxation and started to prepare to head out. We didn’t have much time at all, and if we didn’t act soon enough, the dracs would discover our hideout. If they found out where we were staying, we’d have to leave. And who knows if we’d be fortunate enough to find another place as great as our diner.

                Missile Kid bounded over to the counter, bending over and opening a drawer. She pulled out a few spare ray gun battery packs and tossed them to the guys. The men caught the battery packs agilely, and placed them with their guns in their holsters. But Poison quickly grabbed Ghoul’s from him and placed it gently on the table. He gave Ghoul an earnest look before speaking.

                “Ghoul, you’re not coming.” He said slowly. Ghoul looked at him in utter disbelief.

                “What? You guys can’t go out with just three! You’ll be ghosted in nothing flat! We could barely handle them as four!” He spluttered, gesturing wildly. He then winced slightly, having forgotten that he couldn’t be moving his left arm much. Poison gave him a knowing look.

                “Ghoul, you can barely move that arm. You would only hold us back, and you’d probably get yourself killed in the process. You’ll have to stay back here with Aly until you’re healed.”

                “Excuse me?” I exclaimed, shocked. Poison turned to look at me as I spoke. “I’m not staying back here anymore. No way.” After everything that had happened, they were still going to force me to stay back? I could handle it now. I knew I could. And they were definitely going to need my help this time.

                “Aly you’re not coming. We’re not going to risk losing you.” Poison said evenly.

                “Is that what this is about? Because you’re all risking yourselves! Why can’t I risk myself too?” I asked childishly, starting to get angry.

                “Aly, you’re out of practice. I understand that you want to go back out and fight, and I respect that. But we’re certainly not bringing you out there when you haven’t been in battle in over a year. Just wait a couple weeks.” He answered calmly.

                “What if we don’t have a couple weeks Poison? You guys could very well die out there, and you know it.” I countered, crossing my arms over my chest. Poison sighed, but didn’t reply. He knew how dangerous it was going to be, and I knew I wasn’t helping much by arguing, but I was furious.

                I glared at Poison, mumbling under my breath. He was set in his decision and wasn’t going to budge. I glanced across the table at Ghoul to see him grumbling too. We shared a brief glance, and I could tell he was just as upset about this as I was. But we were going to have to put on our big girl panties and get over it.

Finally accepting the fact that we were going to be forced to stay behind, no matter what we said, I stood and grabbed a couple of backpacks out of the storage room, piling in a few cans of mush and a few spare canteens, just in case. Jet and Kobra grabbed our two spare walkies and headed out to the car, placing them on the dashboard. I followed them out and I tossed in the backpack I was holding. Ghoul walked out with me to see them off.

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