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Luke p.o.v.
My classes ended so I went to my locker. I usually meet Michael there. And then we get in a fight again. Like usual. But he wasn't there today. I was confused and a little worried. And I really don't know why I was worried.. We hate each other.. At least, I never hated Michael. He just hated me out of nowhere and I still don't know why. Or don't I remember it? I'm really confused.

I took my stuff out of my locker and walked outside. And then I saw someone sitting against a tree, crying. I couldn't see who it was, so I decided to come a little closer. And then I saw it. Michael was crying while cutting his arm. I was shocked. He looked really sad.

I kept staring at him for like 5 minutes until he got up and walked to his bike. And then he drove away. I opened my bag and took Michael's bracelet I gave him when we were little. I held it tight in my hand. I missed him. I missed our talks, our fun.

After 10 minutes of staring at my hand I got on my bike and I drove home.

When I finally arrived I saw Michael sitting on his porch.

''H-hey Michael.. Are you okay?''

''Why are you asking? Thought I had ebola?''

''Yea.. I'm sorry about that.. But I wanna talk..''

Michael looked confused at me with tears streaming down his face.

''Then talk'', he said.

''I found uhm.. I found this..'' I said while showing the bracelet.

''And I uhm.. Sort of forgot why we are in a fight''

''You wanna know?! I was in love with you. I still am Luke. And when I told you, you just told me we had to take some distance. I was selfish. I know. Now leave me alone I don't deserve it that you're talking to me.''

I was shocked. How could he talk about himself like that. He used to be so confident and happy. And now he's so insecure and sad.

''Listen Michael.. You weren't selfish.. I fully understand why you did that..You were sad. And everyone is sad sometimes right? And sometimes things like this happen. But we need to make faults. And everybody makes faults. Some are very stupid and some are less stupid. But don't think like this about yourself. Cause you deserve to be happy.''

He just stared at me. I sat next to him. Just like we used to.

''I missed this'', I said.

''Missed what?

"Talking with you on the porch.''


"Cause you were the best friend I could ever wish for.''

He stared to cry louder.

Michael p.o.v.
Luke just said the words I wanted to hear for so long. I never knew he felt the same way. I really miss Luke, I really do. He was the best friend ever. Everybody deserves a friend like him. He was always there for me. He opened his arms for me. I opened them too and out of nowhere we were cuddling on the porch. Just like we used to. It felt so good to be in his arms again.



''I missed this.''

''Me too.''

''We can't tell anyone..''

''Tell what?''

''That we're good again''

''Are we?''

I shocked. Is he freaking serious about this?

''Uhm.. Yes.. At least.. If you want that''


''We're going to fake it''

''Fake what''

''That we hate each other''


''Just act like we always did. But when we say 'I hate you' just think that we say 'I love you' ''

I felt so happy.

''I think you want this back'', he said while he opened my hand.

''Want what back?''


He put the best friend bracelet in my hand. I started crying.

''I'm so happy with this''



And then we did the pinky swear again.

''Remember when I gave you the bracelet?''

''Lukeeeeeeeeeeyyy come backkk'', I said while running after Luke.

''Noooooooooooo! Come catch me!''

I ran after him for like 20 minutes till he stopped running. I didn't notice so I fell over him. We both laughed very hard.

''Are we best friends?'', I asked.

''Yes! Of course we are!''



We pinky sweared.

And that's when Luke gave me t bracelet.
[ Authors note ]
Loooll sorry for the short and stupid chapter! But I worked on this so so long so yea. I hope you guys like it! I think I'm going to upload very often but I don't promise anything!! I really hope you like it cuz I work so hard on it! Let me know what you think in the comments. Lot's of love xoxo

Faking it ; Muke ClemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now