Chapter 4

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I couldn’t believe she was trying to convince me that God was the answer.  I sat in my car drinking the juice of courage from my mug and replayed the conversation.

The voices in my head were getting pretty aggressive with each swig from my mug.  The louder they became the harder it was to focus on staying sober enough to go back into her room, but I had to figure out how to hold them back for another few hours before I could give into their demands for release.  It was going to be one hell of a night, I could tell, they wanted their due, and I was toying with the God concept far too much for their comfort.  Perhaps, I could close my eyes for an hour and get some peace.

I was in church with my mom.  I enjoyed the singing part of the service.  Everyone was so excited while they were singing.  I hadn’t ever been around so many people who were so happy.  Clapping, shouting, dancing in the pews, some were even crying, but they didn’t seem sad.  I was playing with my doll while the man at the front gave some message about the poor people being rich or getting something that would make up for anything they lacked now.  Then people started moving to the front of the church.  The man who had been speaking started to talk individually with the people at the front.  He put his hand on one of the ladies at the front and she fell to the ground.  She started screaming bad things and more people surrounded her and where putting their hands on her and telling the devil to leave.  I shook my mom’s arm and asked her what was happening to the lady and why she was screaming.  My mom looked like she was bothered by something.  She told me that the lady was being attacked by a demon and the people at the front were trying to help get rid of it.

I woke with a start.  I was panting and sweaty.  I had totally forgot that memory from when I was nine-years old.  I definitely have some questions to ask my mom.

With that thought, I took my mug and dragged myself out of the car while munching down a granola bar. 

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