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Photo Above/Side Is Joy!

Q at the end of chapter!


"It's just a Halloween party and you haven't left the house since she left." For the past hour Harry has been trying to persuade me to attend some chicks Halloween party. Don't get me wrong, I was intrigued I was. However, I felt like I couldn't do anything with Nani now. I felt bad and I felt like I deserved it.

Harry was being persistent I'll give him that. But I didn't wanna be around others at least not yet.

"Nani wouldn't want you to mope around-"

"You don't fucking know her so don't tell me what she would want." I stood up. And as fast I stood up was as fast as I fell down.

"Look at yourself man. You've drained yourself, isolated yourself from the sun and from the smell you haven't taken a shower." He helped me up and walked me into the restroom as he sat me on the toilet I just stared into outer space.

"You're right Niall, I don't know Nani but if she loved you enough to let you go. You've got to love her enough to respect that and move on with your life."

Move on? How could I? I felt like I should suffer or something. I made Nani suffer for ten fucking long years, when she's loved me this whole time. How could I have been so dumb?

Maybe I should just get my shit together and leave this house. All I've been doing is crying and thinking.

"Just come with me to look at costumes and if you don't wanna come after that then I won't bother you about it any longer. Okay?"

"Fine." Harry left the restroom and I quickly followed only to be pushed back in.

"Lad take a shower. You fucking stink!" He smiled as he shut the door to leave me alone with the sound of water running and my thoughts.

I stripped off all my clothes and just thought about my life recently. My best friend hated me. I was probably a disgrace to her.

Nani wouldn't want me to sit here and dwell so I put a smile on my face.

A fake one, but a smile.

Maybe I will go shopping with Harry. Just for fresh air and a better chance at getting Nani back. She wouldn't want me if I didn't keep up with society.


Poor Niall. This kid was really in love wasn't he? Niall completely fell off the face of the earth when Nani went to college.

Might be weird but I'm envious over the affection they have for each other. Even if at the moment its kinda awkward for them. I loved Louis, I did. However, he wouldn't believe me. I can't really blame him either. I was the King of fuck boys. You look it up you would probably see my name.

I've cheated on Louis nine times with six different guys. And, I didn't mean to its just, I have the hardest time with commitment. I'm also not a feelings person. I hate giving myself to someone and then being disappointed, its happened way to often.

I hate myself for hurting Louis I truly do. Sad part? I've cheated on Louis with transgender people, gays, straights anyone who wanted it really. I've even convinced Lesbians to sleep with me.

Yeah, I'm that good.

I identify as Pansexual. While Louis on the other hand is gay. Louis is sorta sensitive so he would be hurt if he knew the details of all my sexual encounters and that most took place with women.

"I'm ready to go." Niall walked in and disrupted my thoughts.

Its not about you right now Harry.

"Sure?" I wanted to be positive Niall was ready to step out of these four walls and a roof of a room. Not like I gave him a choice.


"How about this one?" I placed the bloody wolf mask onto my face.

"Yeah, whatever." Niall hadn't even turned around to look at me, he just spoke.

Maybe he is in deep thought?

I should try to distract him. I looked at the shelves... Gosh most of these costumes are stereotypical costumes.

A Zombie? A classic but so over used.
Cleopatra? Yeah, no.
Michael Jackson? Smooth but criminal to do.
A bloody hot pocket that strongly resembled a dirty tampon. Original but gross.

Then I grabbed something that caught my attention.

"Maybe you should try this on?"

Niall turned around fully facing me and I pulled out sticky string. Quickly removing the top I sprayed him everywhere.

"Hey!" He yelled as I continued to spray him. I felt satisfied because I helped a friend smile after seeing him mope around for so long.

Niall grabbed the red sticky string off the shelf attacking me with it.

We've got to look like idiots

Two grown men playing with sticky string in the middle of a store called, Scare Me.

Not weird at all.

We ignored the signs of people who looked at us funny. This was maybe the first true time Harry has hung out with me and not consulting me.

Or vice versa.

Out of the blue some drop dead gorgeous red head approached us. Her little frame had on a 'Scare Us' clothing tee.

"Oh, shit." Niall whispered throwing the can of sticky string.

Because the sticky string on you want make it obvious at all.

"We are very sorry about this ...?" As I implied for her to say her name.

"I'm Joy and I'm the one who should say sorry." Both Niall and I had looks of confusion. Before we could dwell on what the cute girl had been talking about she had a can of yellow sticky string and sprayed the both of us.

After minutes of spraying each other to our cans ran out we all had agreed on a truths.

"You guys are pretty damn cool."

"You are too, If I must say so myself."

Niall whispered that he had to pee in my ear like a kid. But by the looks of his face when he walked past to go he was back to depressed Niall.

Fun while it lasted.

"He okay?" Oh great, so she noticed to.

"Yeah. Actually, my friend Niall is quiet shy but he was telling me how amazing it would be if you came to our friends Halloween Party, its next Friday and you have to wear a costume."

"I'll think about it. I'm not really supposed to go places with strange guys."

"We're not strangers, I'm Harry and here's my number if you change your mind. My friend finally smiled today after going through a lot and its all thanks to you. He could really use that again."

Hopefully, Niall will forgive me. But it's time to move on my friend.

Time to move on.

Q? Wait. BASED ON THIS CHAPTER are we shipping Harry & Niall? (Narry)

Louis & Harry? (Larry?).

Harry & Joy? (Hoy?) (Jarry.)

Nani & Niall (NaNil?)

Or maybe Joy & Niall (Jiall?)

Q? Thoughts on Joy?

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