Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Small Coincidence.

On that afternoon, two girls who are best friends, were eating their lunch on a clear sky on the rooftop. Satou Ayumi, the one who discovered her best friend's wallpaper.

She saw a blonde boy.

She was confused. She was confused at her best friend, Fumiko Katou.

She was mistaken. Ayumi was mistaken.

For she thought, Katou likes somebody.

Thinks it was Ookamine Yuuki.

Letting her long ponytail brown hair sway in the air, closed her brown eyes, Ayumi let out a smile towards Katou.

There she ask.

"Katou, if it's okay with you, who do you really like?"

| 7:30 A.M. |

The following day, Ookamine Yuuki is still sleeping within his bedroom. On that very time, he is dreaming about his childhood. There was three children within his dream. Himself, and a girl.

They were playing with a blonde boy.

"Oi! Yuuki! It's already 7:30! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!"

A shout by the outside door of his bedroom was heard. It was his mother. Yuuki woke up.

"Oh no!! It's already at this time?!" He shouted.

After taking a bath, wore his school uniform, took his breakfast, he is now ready to move out of the house.

"Mom, I got to go now!" He shouted, hurriedly went out of the house.

Just taking a step outside of the house, loud noise of a thunder and heavy rain pour out.

Ookamine Yuuki's POV

"Agh? Oh no?!"

Mom: "Hey dear! Take this umbrella for you to go!"

"A-ah.. Okay, thanks mom." I reply.

I gratefully take the umbrella out of my mother's hand. Letting out a fake smile, but in my mind, I'm doom.

Mom: "Okay! Have a safe trip!"

Yuuki: "Y-yes..."

I then quickly run, completely soaking wet trying to find a bus. Because of the noise of the thunder, the heavy rains, the powerful winds, my umbrella flew.

"Damn it!"

Oh no!! This is really bad!

I completely ran very fast for my very own sake, even letting my very own uniform completely wet. My bag is also completely wet. I don't know what to do but I keep on moving forward. Until then, I found a bus then enter it.

"Argh, why must I have to end up like this."

After that, the bus driver asks if I am okay. I replied back that I am okay that I should still attend for school. Since then, the bus driver continues to go on then stops at my school entrance. It is still raining but not as powerful as it is no more. I went out, yet my uniform are still mostly wet, I continue to enter the school.

Reality LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ