{A Messed Up Fate}

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Hi, so this is my first time writing Imagines so enjoy.

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It was the second day of my new job. I worked at one of the crappiest restaurant's in this little closed minded town. Since my family was unbelievably broke, I had all the responsibility to receive money so we can live on.

The restaurant was filling up with so many people. Everyone rushing around, myself feeling the breezes from their bodies movement. Every few seconds the bells on the creaky wooden entrance door would ring. Basically defying the noise of loud bells being pushed in my ears.

I couldn't stop running, it felt like it would last forever. I felt my eyes start to slowly close, my feet couldn't keep me up, the cracks in the floor made me tumble over onto a tall customer, hovering over me like a 50 floor building. I raised my head up, repeating the words "Sorry, i'm sorry" over and over. The words flew around my head like a halo.

As soon as my eyes gained vision, my head to toe froze. The person I bumped into was the most handsomest person I have ever seen. He had dirty blonde hair, amazing dark brown eyes and cold nipples that pressed out of his shirt. I snapped out of the trance when he stood up and dusted himself off. His hand in front of my face, waiting for me to grab it, I blushed and bit my blazing lips.

Eyes were all glared at us as if we were a freak show. Their silence grew longer as his mouth then opened.

"Aha, are you okay hun?" he asked in his intimidating British accent.

I soon replied trying hard not to sound like I was gonna cry;

"I'm okay, don't worry about me, How about you?"

He smiled and chuckled, "I'm Thomas, you?"

"I'm Y/N."

My smile then turned into a frown as I saw my boss staring at me with a 'you're in big trouble' face. He signed for me to go to him. I walked over with my head down, taming the quite horrible shame. Without saying anything else, he whispered in my ear, "Get your ass out of here you little slut."

I took my stuff while trying not to cry. I ran out of the restaurant, letting all of my tears create a puddle on the ground. Sitting on the nearest bench, I held my head in my palms. I felt all the tears run down my pale blue face. I felt a firm hand wipe away my tears, it was a soft hand. I lifted my head to see Thomas sitting next to me. I feel very embarrassed now.

"What's wrong?" Thomas asked with his hand sliding on my shoulders.

"My stupid boss fired me, and I, ugh.. I don't have a job and my family is broke and you have seen how ugly I can be! What the hell am I supposed to do!? I can't live like this! I hate it, I wanna freaking die, I hate this place people call earth! It's fucking hell!" I cried out. My eyes started to water again.

"Look Y/N, you're exceedingly beautiful when you cry, we'll get through this together, and even though you may not know me, but already I can say this, I love you."

I looked up, smiled, and received a hug.


living in a dream

Imagines; Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now