halloween baking! recipe 1

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Ok guys this bit as it say in the chapter title halloween baking this will be one recipe and the next chapter will be recipe two so here we go!

1) marshmallow witches!

Total Time: 30 min.

MAKES: 12 servings


1/2 cup vanilla frosting, divided

36 miniature semisweet chocolate chips

12 large marshmallows

1 drop each green, red and yellow food coloring, optional

1/4 cup flaked coconut

12 chocolate wafers

12 miniature peanut butter cups

12 milk chocolate kisses  


1. For the face of each witch, place a dab of frosting on the bottom of three chocolate chips; press two for eyes and one for nose onto each marshmallow.

2. For hair, combine green food coloring and a drop of water in a small resealable plastic bag; add coconut and shake well. Spread a small amount of frosting on sides of marshmallows; press coconut hair into frosting. Place 3 tablespoons of frosting in a small heavy-duty resealable plastic bag; tint orange with red and yellow food coloring. Set aside.

3. For hats, spread some of the remaining frosting in the center of chocolate wafers; press peanut butter cups upside down into frosting. Lightly spread bottoms of chocolate kisses with frosting; place on peanut butter cups. Cut a small hole in the corner of pastry or plastic bag; insert a small star tip. Fill the bag with frosting and pipe stars around the base of each peanut butter cup. Secure a hat to each witch with a dab of frosting. Yield: 1 dozen.

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