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just a delicate kiss anyone could've missed. i wasn't expecting that.
Ashton found out Luke was gay too.
So, Ashton asked Luke out one day during their daily talk at lunch.
Luke said yes.
Luke liked Ashton. He thought he was nice, unlike everyone else at school.
And Ashton liked Luke, of course.

On their first date, Ashton took Luke to a beach.
What Ashton didn't know, however, is that Luke loved the beach.
He thought the beach was beautiful.
But Luke thought the hazel-eyed boy with him was more beautiful.
And when Luke saw the opportunity, he took it.
Luke, the shy and seemingly sad new boy, kissed Ashton, the most popular boy in school.
Neither one of them felt anything but happiness and warmth afterwards.
Ashton kissed back, of course,
but he wasn't expecting that.

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