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when the nurses they came, said, "it's come back again", i wasn't expecting that.
One day after work, Ashton was mad.
Luke said hello to him,
and Ashton shook him off.
That made Luke sad.
Ashton always hugged Luke hello when they saw each other after Ashton came home from work.
Luke asked what was wrong,
and again, Ashton ignored him.
Luke asked Ashton if he did anything wrong.
Luke was scared,
Luke didn't want Ashton mad at him.
Luke loved Ashton.
Ashton told Luke to shut up.
Luke was confused.
He asked Ashton why he told him to shut up.
And instead of responding, Ashton slapped him.
Luke was sad.
Luke didn't want to get hurt.
Ashton had never hit Luke before.
Ashton walked away afterwards as if he didn't care.
That hurt Luke more than anything.
Luke ran to the boys' room and cried.
On any normal day, Ashton would follow Luke.
But not today.
Something had taken over Ashton, but Luke didn't know what.
But it made Luke feel like a disappointment.
As if he wasn't fulfilling his role as a good husband.
And that made Luke sad.
Luke swore he would never do this again, but he needed to.
He made the little red dots appear on his wrists again.
There were so many little red dots that Luke's skin could barely be seen.
This made Luke feel relieved.
Luke wanted it all to go away.
Luke decided he would do so now.
He left the house he shared with Ashton and went to the nearest bridge.
Just in case he cared, Luke left Ashton a note.
Saying goodbye.
And thanks for the memories.
Luke loved Ashton,
but Ashton's display tonight set Luke off edge.
Luke wanted to leave the Earth.
Luke couldn't keep living with these voices telling him these bad things.
And with a husband who Luke has let down in some way or another.
So Luke drove to the nearest bridge and dove in head first with no thought.
On the way down, he yelled that he loved Ashton,
and someone driving by heard.
They pulled over and looked down where Luke jumped and there he was, unconscious.
The man ran down to pick Luke up and drive him to the hospital.
The man's best friend tried to commit as well, so he knew what it would feel like to be in Ashton's position if Luke succeeded.

Ashton got a call from an unknown number.
He was scared.
Ashton went up to their room to check on Luke.
Luke wasn't there.
That scared Ashton, but he didn't bother to look for Luke.
He knew Luke would come back.
Luke wouldn't do anything stupid.
Or so he thought.
That random number that called Ashton was the hospital.
Luke tried to kill himself.
And that made Ashton sad.

At the hospital, Luke couldn't be visited just yet, but the doctors wanted to speak with Ashton.
They told him that Luke is severely depressed.
Luke got frustrated from the little voices always telling him what to do, and so to shut them up, he did what they said to.
Ashton remembered how he slapped Luke.
Luke wanted to kill himself,
because of Ashton.
And that made Ashton sad.
Ashton never expected to hurt the one he loved.
Ashton always hated seeing abusive relationships,
yet he just may have started one.
Ashton hated himself,
and Luke did too.
Ashton wasn't expecting that.

wasn't expecting that || lashtonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin