Chapter 2.

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Elliot's P.O.V

It was the next day. I had let Zoey go early yesterday, bad idea. She was late again. I had called her three times and she was breaking my temper.
I sat at the till staring at the front door waiting for the red head to march in.
Sure enough half an hour went by and it was closing time.

I had given up hope and decided to start with the cleaning in the kitchen.
It was depressing. In a weird way I missed her. She would always fight with me, making something so stupid a little more interesting.

I sighed and rested my head on my hand.
'Why does she always leave me hanging like this..?' I quizzed to myself.

The door swung open  before I could even think of my answer and my head sprung back up.

She slowly walked in. She was wearing her casual wear. A white summer dress along with a little button up blue jacket. Her cheeks looked stained by tears but she smiled.
'Sorry I'm late. I was away somewhere..'

'Have you been crying?' I asked rather concerned.
She paused with no answer, she looked like she could break down in tears any second now. That's when it hit me.
A year ago from now her grandma had passed away. She took weeks of. And today was her anniversary.
I instantly pulled her into a hug without thinking. I held her tight.
'It's okay Zoey you can cry...'
Moments later I could feel her cheeks become damper with tears against my chest.

We sat their for minutes, until she pulled away wiping her cheeks putting on her brave smile.
'G-Gomen.' She finally blurted out.

I gave her a wee smile.
'Don't apologise, sit here for a minute.'
I got up giving her my seat.
I bent down to the lower cupboards to the left, and found the left over cakes. I took a little vanilla iced cake with a strawberry on it, because it was sweet and it sorta called out her name.
I placed it in her hands
'Cakes seem to make everyone happier, so I thought you might want this.'

She smiled and whispered.
'You always surprise me Elliot, sometimes you make me so angry and other times you are so sweet and comfort me'

I just smiled and nodded saying .
'Well everyone is full of surprises.'

I felt that chapter went a LITTLE better! I tried that's all I can say! Please comment and ⭐️ all you live


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