Chapter 4.

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Elliot's P.O.V

I had an early day of, so I decided to go around town and grab a couple stuff I might need. I was in the mall. In the Men's section looking at some white buttoned tops when I heard that squeaky laugh I know all too well. I looked up and turned around to see Zoey goofing around with Mark. She was trying on hats and spinning around like a ballerina. I stared at her and watched her smile up with that twinkle in her eyes to mark. I felt a little bit of jealously wash over me and I put my right hand to my hair and messed it up and pulled a couple of T-shirts of the rail before walking up to the till, past Zoey and Mark.

I watched her as I walked to the line. She had that cute little top on and her normal skirt. I soon realised I was staring directly at her when she looked up from her hats price tag and saw me. We made eye contact for a long ten seconds, before I was cut off by the woman at the till. I turned around giving her my clothes and searched in my wallet for the money to pay. I gathered my stuff in my bag and headed for the door whenever I felt a little light tap on my back.
I slowly turned around to see Mark and Zoey hand in hand. Okay now I felt depressed.

'Hey elliot'
she said as she dug her hand into her bag, she pulled out my jacket and held it out for me.

'Oh, thanks Zoey.' I smiled at her then looked over to mark making the most awkward eye contact with the tanned teen. He just stared and stared, as if I was going to turn into a dinosaur and eat them both instantly.

I took the jacket from Zoey's small pale hand.
'I guess the jacket helped then, you don't have a cold as far as I can see' I said trying to make a bit of conversation and to escape her boyfriends evil glares.

Before Zoey could even answer me, Marks mouth suddenly sprung to life.
'Yeah well she's been through a lot worse, sorry but me and Zoey better be going now. It was nice seeing you Elliot.' He said quickly and pulled Zoey close to him.

'Right, bye you two.' I said as polite as possible before I walked out of the giant store.

I sat in my red car for several minutes replaying what had happened in that last couple minutes until my head felt like it was going to explode. I put the keys in and the engine started.

Thanks for reading and I hope you are all enjoying so far!

Peace out ✌🏻️~ Leapinglilly

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